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Showing 1051 of 1051

Allow alternative employee to be notified of Annual Leave approval

Employees submit holiday requests which go directly to their manager for approval. Behind the scenes, our 4 Project Team Assistants (PTA's) log holidays for site staff on an internal tracker, which is used across the business to ensure we have ava...
Laura Vincent 4 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Multiple questions via Pulse surveys

Please make it possible to ask more than one question via a pulse survey because asking one question is no use to anyone!! Enabling staff to use the mobile app to respond to various questions/surveys will provide key opportunities to management an...
Guest almost 1 year ago in Mobile 0 Added to Product Backlog

Stop deductions of bank holidays during maternity leave

We need to stop bank holidays being deducted from holiday allowance during maternity leave. By law the employee accrues bank holidays during mat leave so there should be no deduction. I am having to manually alter each employees records which is t...
Guest 7 months ago in Planner 0

Dashboard to locate to each area if clicked

I would like to be able to click on todays number of sickness absences for example and it show me who is off sick. The same thing for Holidays etc etc. I think a small thing like this where it shouldn't be to much work as the dashboard is already ...
laura Palin about 1 year ago in Dashboard 0 Open for Voting

Confirmed By HR Tickbox (Sickness)

Only Admins in the system can access the confirmed by HR tick box, to confirm. Having everyone as ADMIN especially new starters is a security risk as they would have access to system settings, ripples and API keys and settings. This confirmed by H...
duncan alexander about 1 year ago in Planner 2 Open for Voting

Choose to sync only certain planner events onto calendars

We have a WFH calendar and it would be a good option to be able to only sync certain event types to feed such calendars.
HANNAH FREEMAN 5 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

pending holiday request to be shown as pending in outlook

It would be more ideal to be able to set up rule for syncing holiday request to the outlook. For example, if the holiday is not yet approved, it should not be shown on calendar as it will confuse colleague to plan meetings and stuff. Or at least c...
Stephy Yip 7 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Removing 1/3 or 1/4 days AL

We only allow employees to book 1/2 days or full days off and with the system allowing people to book 1/3 or 1/4 days off it can cause issues when we have to tell people this is not allowed and not honoured. I was thinking it would be a good idea ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

News articles to have a draft mode

News articles to be saved as a draft to allow you to save it and come back to it, sometimes awaiting information and if you don't have it to hand, content has to be copied, pasted and saved somewhere else and all the settings have to be added again.
Guest about 1 month ago in Dashboard 0

View salary in the App

Employees wanted to view their new salaries in the app when pay rises happened. Can this information be pulled through to the app? some of our blue collar employees do not have a desktop to view their personal information.
Guest about 1 month ago in Employee 0