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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Employee emails to be sent during working hours

Please can emails to staff, for example return to work reminders, be sent during typical working hours, eg after 9am? When staff have emails on their personal devices, receiving email notifications at 4:30am in the morning is not ideal.
Guest 4 days ago in Employee 2 Open for Voting

Marital Status

We will be using the payroll system - Paycircle and this needs Marital Status of an employee. It would make sense this comes from PeopleHR with all the other personal Information
Natalie Rodrigues 5 days ago in Employee 0 Added to Product Backlog
217 VOTE

New document added notification sent to employee

Employees are not notified if a new document is added to their record unless a signature is requested. This means that we have to email the employee to tell them the document is available for them to see in their files. It would be much quicker an...
Guest 9 months ago in Employee 7 Open for Voting

Allow requesting of signature for both manager and employee for documents attached to a logbook

At the moment, if you attach a document to a logbook you can request a signature on that document, which is great. However, when you select this, it requires and employees signature but default's the manager signature to not required. When adding ...
R D 13 days ago in Employee 0
121 VOTE

Archive Job Titles from list

Following a full team restructure, which included job title changes for all existing staff to be aligned. We now have a long list of Job Titles which I cannot remove as a leaver is assigned the job title. I would have to go into every single leave...
Guest 7 months ago in Employee 5 Open for Voting
141 VOTE

Be able to receive email notifications when someone's probation is coming up without using Ripple

Managers or at least Admins should be able to choose to get email notifications if employees probation is coming up, without Ripple. This should be a basic choice for users. It is not typical to be checking the HR platform regularly enough to keep...
Soraya Asgari 10 months ago in Employee 2 Open for Voting
140 VOTE

Change the "no logbook screen found" message on the logbook landing page

When an employee goes into their "Logbook" area the first thing they see is "no logbook screen found". This immediately puts them off and they think there isn't a logbook available to complete, they come back to us and tell us it's not there and i...
Guest 10 months ago in Employee 5 Open for Voting
169 VOTE

Job Title Changes to have a future effective date.

This should be the same as:1. Company 2. Department 3. Location 4. Employment type 5. Reports to Why should Job Title be any different? Title changes are made along with at least 2 of the above, please add this as the 6th point.
Matthew Roberts about 1 year ago in Employee 5 Added to Product Backlog

Ability to change leave reason

When someone is processed as a leaver you cannot amend the leave reason - we did not realise this when setting up the system and sometimes HR does not find out the true reason for leaving until after a person leaves (settlements/courts etc)
Guest 19 days ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting
192 VOTE

Organisation chart layout

Design the layout that it is a readable vertical screen and better for printing. In addition the ability to click through the hierarchy levels and click directly to an individuals details from the organisation chart. Current layout of the screen i...
Annette Attwell over 1 year ago in Employee 3 Open for Voting