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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 42 of 1197

Add ripples to Access Workspace as an app

We currently use Access Workspace dashboards alongside PeopleHR. The workspace dashboard is our primary landing screen for staff and it would be fantastic if they could see their ripple as an app within that dashboard. Some users get confused navi...
Ben Clarke about 8 hours ago in Dashboard 0

Allow Managing Directors to not have a Manager

Currently, if employees report to a Managing Director (who does not have a manager themselves) under the admin planner they appear under a 'non-manager' team. This should be resolved to ensure that the system is accurate.
Guest 3 months ago in Dashboard 0 Open for Voting

Dashboard - your stats

When I try to use the data on the dashboard for board reporting, the statistics don't read well. Your average for Absence, salary rises and absences is showing at 2.50%. Where is this data coming from? Also, are you including all absences or just ...
April Carney 7 months ago in Dashboard 1

To show the remaining annual leave for employees on the overview page for managers

To show the remaining annual leave for employees on the overview page for managers
Guest 6 months ago in Dashboard 0 Open for Voting

Able to access employee records from Dashboard or overview

It would be great if managers were able to access their direct reports from the dashboard. When they select the employees tab at the bottom, it shows them but they are no clickable. I have been asked to raise this as a product request by several m...
duncan alexander over 1 year ago in Dashboard 0 Open for Voting

News sent via email that include a link to a website should go directly to the website from the link not to PeoplHR account.

News sent via email that include a link to a website should go directly to the website from the link not to PeoplHR account. News emails with the brackets saying that the link will direct to PeopleHr don't look nice and professional. It's not effi...
Guest 12 months ago in Dashboard 3

Dashboard auto refresh

When logging into the system for me it seems madness that the dashboard doesn't auto refresh and i have to manually do this. if i don't it appears that the incorrect amount of people are on holiday or off sick. Our MD looked at this on a banned pe...
laura Palin over 1 year ago in Dashboard 0 Already Planned

Engage Events on Dashboard

Engage Events you create are unable to be pinned/shown on access workspace dashboards - so no one can see you events? These should be able to be pinned as an app same as articles and social feed
Guest 21 days ago in Dashboard 0 Open for Voting

Employee search bar on dashboard for admin

Add a search bar on the dashboard in order to search for employees instead of pressing the 9 dots, then employee.
Jack Phillips over 1 year ago in Dashboard 2 Open for Voting

Holiday entitlement balance to not change until the holiday request has been approved by the line manager

At present an employee submits a holiday request and this automatically is deducted from their total holiday balance before this even reaches the manager to approve/ reject. This is confusing employees who are assuming the holiday has been agreed ...
Guest over 1 year ago in Dashboard 0 Open for Voting