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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Status Open for Voting
Categories Admin ATS
Created by Annette Attwell
Created on Sep 4, 2023

ATS - create standard set of questions

Add the ability to create a standard set of questions which can then appear as a pre-defined list to select for each vacancy, rather than having to start from scratch each time or copy from a previous vacancy that may have similar question and remember to edit details.

Describe the Challenge Select questions from a list
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  • Alicia Woodward
    Mar 14, 2024

    Hi Annette,

    This might help you in the meantime. We ran in to the same issue and so created a 'Template' vacancy that had all applicant questions (including right to work, reason for applying, remuneration requirements etc.) as well as internal interview questions (a question bank). We also set up a theme for the Job Information tab (about the company, our values etc - any information that needs to be in every advert), set up the notification rules and Scorecards.

    Then when we create a new vacancy we 'Copy' from that template and the only information we need to input is any of the specific job details.