More options for the reference list and to be able to send to personal email in Ripple
It would be useful to add more tags to the reference list to be able to use them in Ripple. For example, Employee's personal email address to be able to use for Ripple purposes - for example, when sending a new starter confirmation email Method of...
Emma Wawman
4 months ago
in Admin
Open for Voting
Would be helpful to see the employee's holiday requests and then when they cancelled the request, especially if it has been cancelled while still in a 'pending' authorisation and no email sent. This would assist with understanding the possibility ...
Separate Employees Name and Absence Icon into 2 columns on the Employees List.
It would be useful for Admins to be able to Quick Filter a type of absence in this window, i.e., holiday, sickness, out of business etc., without having to move to the Company Planner window.
Diane Hance
6 months ago
in Employee
Open for Voting
It would be helpful if ATS gave the option of "neither" in the "Vacancy Type" area. This is because we have a requirement where to have active vacancies, but may not require/ want them to be advertised. Having the vacancy in "draft" is not a solut...
To be able to set up recurring other events in the planner. for example, if we want employees to log the days they are in the office in their planner under other events, it would be useful to set up a recurrence if they are in the office the same ...
System generated annual rewards statement. If all benefits could be added to the platform to then produce an annual reward statement that is added to each employees record.
Additional team planners - Our managers would like team planners so they don't have to filter the full company planner. The team planner would also need to include a filter option too.
Some departments have sub-departments therefore filtering tne entire company woudl not be necessary if they could select to view only their team and then filter sub-departments as required when planning workloads. It would also be helpful to be ab...
When adding the New Public and Bank Holiday dates for the new holiday year, I have to manually change for each employee. There is no function to do this as a Bulk Action.
9 months ago
in Admin / Planner
Open for Voting