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Need Absence Type of Shared Parental Leave

Shared Parental Leave is needed, alongside Maternity / Paternity. either as it's own absence type or likely a choice within the Maternity / Paternity absence line. have logged this with support as query, but was answered to set up as 'Other Event'...
Mandy Mathieson 8 months ago in Employee 2 Open for Voting

Signatures appearing on all documents when they are printed out.

We don't use the electronic signature feature - as we often have to print a document out and the signature does not appear on it. We do not save all documents as PDFs, as this would put another stage into the system that isn't needed, so that does...
Jackie Simmons 15 days ago in Admin 0

Change status for other events only during that time frame.

Currently if an employee adds a dental appointment for example, and they update the timeframe as an hour between 11am and 12pm, the status changes to 'On Leave' for the entire day. It would be better if the status only changes to say 'Away' during...
Guest 2 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Change the way holiday is shown for employees with accrual rules

As an example.... We have set up a rule for an employee – they accrue 2.09 holiday per month added at the end of the month. Their holiday year starts July 1st 2024. After 2 months – they have accrued 4.19 days. They have booked their holidays ahea...
Fern Philip 3 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Sickness Queries to include Long Term Sick Cases without having to run a separate query

Currently, if you run a report on sickness in the previous month, it will not include the long term cases that have not commenced in the previous month but are still ongoing during that month. The only workaround is to complete separate queries fo...
Carina Pieries 10 months ago in Queries/Reporting 2 Open for Voting

Holiday request withdrawal to be approved by line manager

When a holiday request has been approved and then the employee changes their mind and no longer wishes to take this holiday, they can currently withdraw the holiday without the need for authorisation from their manager. This can sometimes be very ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Ripple - Pop Out Screen

Is it at all possible that when creating a Ripple it pops out to another screen. It is really frustrating having to jump between the Ripple page and the Query when its being created.
Anna Pope 3 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Performance Reviews - Allow Admin to better tailor this to fit into the organisation

Over half our employees are factory/warehouse based with limited IT access. We wish to explore a way to make this more Manager oriented in terms of completing it themselves. i.e. removing the employee input section where required. We wish to decid...
Gary Devine about 1 year ago in Performance Management 0 Added to Product Backlog

Function to find applicant in ATS by email address

With many applicants using email addresses which don't always relate to their name and the people using the system not having much contact with the applicants other than via the hiring lead it can be difficult to find the correct applicants to upd...
Guest about 1 month ago in ATS 0

Dashboard Filtering (Department vs Company)

Dashboard filter currently only allows for departmental filtering. However, as a multi-entity group, "Company" filters would be required.
Nicola Tocher 3 months ago in Dashboard 0 Open for Voting