Currently we have test employees that we use when pulling queries and testing new processes. This way our payroll systems and ripples/processes don't get interrupted by changing our own profiles (HR team) when testing. We believe there should be a...
Ross Chaplin
4 months ago
in Admin
Open for Voting
Employees should not be able to assign themselves Ripples.
Employees are currently able to view all Ripples, background and interactive, and assign to themselves even if they are not the target audience. Only Admins should be allowed to see and assign Ripples, with employees only being able to view/update...
Could you please add the option to allow us to determine who we would like to counter sign particular document types (e.g. contracts)? We would like to utilise the document templates through our business, but the only current options for document ...
Stuart Millington
about 2 months ago
in Admin
Open for Voting
When creating a new logbook for employee's to complete, it would be useful if we were able to automatically attach files to the logbook for employee's to view. For example, we have issued a DSE Self-Assessment for employee's to complete along with...
about 1 month ago
in Admin
Open for Voting
Notification when employee has update their details
When an employee updates important personal information, such as Name, contact number, address, or bank details, a notification should be sent to Admin, so that they may advise Payroll, update any benefits etc.
Natalie Nelson
over 1 year ago
in Admin
Open for Voting
Now it is possible to have the employee/manager signatures on a document, could we also have the job role (both employee & manager) added to this? I think this is quite a common requirement when signing a document.
The system does not calculate pro-rata as expected in terms of holiday calculation. If a working pattern is changed, I would expect that it would look at the number of weeks at the old pattern and the number of weeks at the new pattern and then ad...
Claire Harrison
over 1 year ago
in Admin
Added to Product Backlog
Remove mandatory end date on absence and allow us to edit the return to work template
Please can you remove the end date for sickness so we can have open sickness? Having to put a random end date or the end date on the same day can cause a sickness to be missed or a return to work not being completed. By having open sicknesses and ...
Freya Guest
4 months ago
in Admin
Open for Voting