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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Stop changes in annual leave from hours to days impacting annual leave history over previous years and not just the effected year

When changing an annual leave working pattern from hours to days at the start of an annual leave year this impacted all previous annual leave and resulted in an incorrect leave record. The change should only effect the leave year refered to.. By n...
Karen Colley 11 months ago in Planner 1 Open for Voting

Managers to be able to add TOIL via Mobile app.

With managers using the Mobile app more for adding of assignments and sickness entries, it would also be useful if Managers are able to add/remove TOIL from the mobile app in a similar way.
Deveena Dissanayake about 1 month ago in Mobile 0 Open for Voting

Allow other events for all staff to see on their Calendar feed.

We use the other events for "working from home", "late in/leaving early" and other similar events showing if an employee is in or out of the office. When non managers apply the calendar feed from the planner, it does not allow them the option to s...
Adam Masters about 1 month ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Export objectives, check in and review data from Performance App

Managers need to export data from the performance app to hold discussions with individual employees. Export could include objective, measures, notes from check-ins and performance review data
Guest 11 days ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Holiday Accruals Legal Precedence

Legal requirements for average holiday rates and accruals mean calculations are complex and require system amendments to ensure robust compliance.
Guest 11 days ago in Analytics 0 Open for Voting

Work Pattern Settings page to default to 'Active' only

When viewing the work patterns settings page, it would be helpful for this to default to only showing those work patterns which are 'active'. The 'quick filter' suggests this is already the case but you are required to click to a different filter ...
Lee Cotton 7 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Buy Sell annual leave

It would be useful to have a buy sell annual leave function
Guest 8 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Leavers - update information after employment ends

Ability to update the employee records after they have left, including the reason for leaving, to provide accurate information for reporting.
Annette Attwell over 1 year ago in Admin 2 Open for Voting

Add an option for a HR Signature to document signing

In HR, there are quite a few documents that only we are mandated to sign. Employee contracts and flexible working requests being just two of them. Nearly all of the letters we sent to staff are signed by HR and now that we have moved to esigning o...
Guest about 2 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Allowing email responses to be directed to candidate applications (Files tab on ATS)

When sending emails to candidates via their application on the ATS, it would be useful if the responses could be automatically sent back to ATS rather than to an external inbox. If there are several responses back and forth between us and the cand...
Wiktoria Geneja 6 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting