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Seeing your whole team's holidays request with names, so you can avoid booking multiple employees out at the same time

Having multiple employees in different departments and countries, it can get really frustrating when I want to approve their annual leave, because I cant see all their request at the same time.
Guest 8 months ago in Planner 4 Open for Voting

A Report to show outstanding holidays

Our accountants often request a tally of who has what holidays outstanding at the end of a period and there is no report to calculate this. I therefore have to spend hours manually looking at this.
Helen Hewson 2 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Include protected characteristics in the personal details tab

It would be benefitial to include other protected characteristics (such as gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation and disability) in the Personal Details tab. These details should be disab...
Guest 5 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

System to calculate Bradford Factor accurately, and not exclude days with other events on the planner

We have to manually check all Bradford Factor scores as People HR will only add in a sickness absence to the Bradford factor score if an employee has not other event on the same day. (i.e. if an employee booked a morning off as sick, was due to wo...
Guest about 1 month ago in Queries/Reporting 1 Open for Voting

Add an "effective from" date to bulk uploads on salary increases

When introducing a bulk upload salary increase to all employees by % or fixed amount include a date field so the option to put a "valid from" date would save you having to go into every individual employees account to update this if you were imple...
Guest about 1 month ago in Admin 1 Open for Voting

Remove the cancel button from the planner entry

I know it's a new thing but people are not finding the delete button as is. By adding a cancel button at the beginning of that workflow, people will be confused as to why the cancel button doesn't actually cancel their entry.
Guest 7 months ago in Planner 1 Open for Voting

To be able to print log books

We create compliance forms on our log books and it would be really useful if we could print these off for review . If we run a query, the fields do not appear in the right order so it woulkd be easier if we could print them
Louise Sheen 9 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Can’t move a document into a different folder by changing the category of this document, because this is a signed document. For example, to move the folder named ‘Employee Contract’ to the folder named ‘Employee’, there are only three options: ‘Delete’, ‘View Signature’, or ‘Download’. However, if I download the contract, the employee’s signature will be lost. We have a long list of documents that need to be categorized into six folders, so I need to move these folders and delete some.

Can’t move a document into a different folder by changing the category of this document, because this is a signed document. For example, to move the folder named ‘Employee Contract’ to the folder named ‘Employee’, there are only three options: ‘De...
Guest 5 months ago in Employee 3 Open for Voting

To show the remaining annual leave for employees on the overview page for managers

To show the remaining annual leave for employees on the overview page for managers
Guest 4 months ago in Dashboard 0 Open for Voting

Add a 'test' button for Ripples

It would be really useful if there was a 'test' button for ripples. When trying to create ripples and see if they are working in the right way you have to wait a long time for them to run and activate. Also if you are making changes and want to te...
Rosie Hodson 8 months ago in Queries/Reporting 1 Open for Voting