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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Status Open for Voting
Categories Admin
Created by Freya Guest
Created on Nov 11, 2024

Remove mandatory end date on absence and allow us to edit the return to work template

Please can you remove the end date for sickness so we can have open sickness? Having to put a random end date or the end date on the same day can cause a sickness to be missed or a return to work not being completed. By having open sicknesses and adding a section on the front dashboard of the admin overview, it would then help to see any open sicknesses where a return to work hasn't been completed or we have had not confirmation.

Please can you also allow us to edit the return to work form?

Describe the Challenge Create a much smoother process for absence recording/monitoring - admin
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  • Rachel Boyce
    Nov 18, 2024

    Completely agree, I have managers adding a new sickness absence each day creating multiple occasions when the employee is off for over a day sick.

    I have seen in other systems I have a sickness continue forever into the future until the end date and end date not being able to be set for a future date to save people putting a date in until the employee returns.