There is more and more in the press about the potential need to report on the ethnicity pay gap. I would like assurance that PHR have it on their road map to add relevant fields so that we can report in line with the government requirements. I don...
Gail Collett
about 12 hours ago
in Analytics
Added to Product Backlog
While it makes sense for employees with a start and leave date to be included in reporting, deleted profiles should not be retrieved by the system. A deleted profile is, by definition, removed from records, and including it in analytics creates mi...
Absence Report to include employees set up as hourly pay
The majority of our workforce are paid hourly, so their salary is set up as such. However, the absence report only works for annual. If you are given the option of hourly, weekly, monthly, annual pay then reports should be able to reflect this.
Yvonne Hutchison
17 days ago
in Analytics
Open for Voting
We have been utilising the new People Analytics feature in People HR and have found it really useful so far. We have realised a few things that could help to iron out the process though. For example, it seems like when an employee is added to the ...
Ross Chaplin
about 2 months ago
in Analytics
Open for Voting
Show annual leave/holiday on the analytics dashboard
It would be helpful to see some version of the 'planner' that is available, but a simplified and more accessible version on the analytics dashboard, as soon as you login.
Make Headcount Tool macro show each month not just one time period
The Headcount Tool shows headcount for one date range as a summary total. It would be useful to track headcount by month. To do this you need to run the tool for each month. As this is a macro tool, I presume it could be developed so that more tha...
Separate sick and holiday hours from weekly basic hours on detailed timesheet
Separate columns containing sick hours and holiday hours would allow distinction between the different types, and reduce workload when calculating and inputting wages. Overtime and Sunday hours are already separated into their own columns, so some...
Setting a time schedule for the Missed Clock Report
One of the available requests that can be scheduled within People HR is the 'Missed Clock Reports', but it is set to only run at 8AM each day - why is this, as the report in this state is unusable. We have staff that typically start after 8:30am i...
Jassen Payen
8 months ago
in Analytics
Open for Voting