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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 253 of 1197

360 Feedback reporting

It would be useful to have a date field on the 360 feedback when running a query so it can be filtered when running a report
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee / Performance Management 1 Closed - Not right now

Copy expense

Often a type of expense is repeated, such as travel to the same additional office every week - being able to copy an expense item would save manually rekeying every option each time
Guest 12 months ago in Employee 2 Open for Voting

If no reports to - not allow signature required by Manager on Documents

Our Directors/Business owners listed in PHR obviously dont have a 'reports to' however when adding a document for signature, the manager sign off option is available to tick. We had an incidence when the box was ticked and now the document sits in...
Dawn Boyle about 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Includes comments added to a holiday or other event booking in the manager approval email

Currently, if an employee adds a comment to a holiday or other event booking (ie sufficient cover in office) this does not pull through on the manager's approval email they receive. Likewise, if a manager adds a comment when they approve/decline a...
Caitlin Le Gallez 6 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Sort code instead of bank code

It would help if PHR could rename the field titled ‘Bank Code’ to ‘Sort Code’ (or alternatively put it in the ‘Help Text’) because we get a lot of employees misunderstanding this section and consequently leaving it blank, leaving us to chase them ...
Guest 6 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Automatically add the ATS ID when converting an employee on a vacancy

There is currently no link between the ATS and employee information. In order to track, we need to create different reports and manually match the vacancy details to the employee records to find out which position they have filled. This can take t...
Annette Attwell 6 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Ability to customise skills and visibility on Thanks Badges

It would be really useful if we could choose whether these were to be viewed by the individual only (and not appear on the whole organisation thanks screen) or to have them for all to view - some thanks that are sent may be more personal in nature...
R D about 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Question logic on logbooks

Add question logic to logbooks to reduce size for employee to complete. Also ability to add hyperlinks
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Give elevated access by more than one parameter

It would be really helpful if you were able to provide users with elevated access based on more than one parameter i.e. location and for a specific person that is based in a different location.
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Viewing documents

It would be good for something to be added next to a document folder when an email gets sent to an employee stating they have a document to review. This would make it easier for them to see what document has been added rather than having to go thr...
Guest 7 months ago in Employee 0