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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Adding New Public Holidays dates

When adding the New Public and Bank Holiday dates for the new holiday year, I have to manually change for each employee. There is no function to do this as a Bulk Action.
Guest 11 months ago in Admin / Planner 0 Open for Voting

pending holiday request to be shown as pending in outlook

It would be more ideal to be able to set up rule for syncing holiday request to the outlook. For example, if the holiday is not yet approved, it should not be shown on calendar as it will confuse colleague to plan meetings and stuff. Or at least c...
Stephy Yip 10 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

No employee notification of logbook creation by Manager for them to check & sign

When using logbooks, sometimes we get the manager to create the logbook as a record of a conversation they have had, which we get the employee to then sign. There is nothing to notify the employee when that logbook has been created and is ready to...
Claire Harrison over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Choose between LOS rule coming into affect on eligibility date as well as start of next holiday year

Currently it seems the LOS rule (awarding additional holiday days on fixed LOS milestones) only come into affect at the start of the next holiday year. This negatively impacts those who are employed in the first and second quarter of a year rather...
Emma Eden 6 months ago in Admin 1 Open for Voting

Overtime/Holiday Emails to take you straight to the request via the link

When you get an authorisation email from someone, rather than clicking on the link and it taking you to the dashboard, it would be helpful for it to take you straight through to authorise it.
Gracie Kidd over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

A warning when uploading documents to the shared area rather than to an individual profile

A message such as 'you are about to upload a document which will be visible to the whole organisation' or similar would be helpful to avoid confidential documents being erroneously uploaded to the shared area instead of to an individual's profile.
Sue Iddon 4 months ago in Admin 0

Bradford score to run from same Holiday year for all

I would like to know if it is possible to change the Bradford Factor so that it runs for all employees for the same period April to March rather than the start day of each individual.
Guest 12 months ago in Admin / Planner 0 Open for Voting

View access to the Calendar/Planner through "Edited Access Rights"

I would like to be able to give access to the planner but only so they can view it, this will allow teams to see other teams annual leave but without the worry they will amend/delete.
Guest about 1 year ago in Admin / Planner 0 Open for Voting

Leaver Wizard - Supporting Comments.

When marking leavers, admins are forced to add supporting comments in when staff are 're-employable' but are not forced when staff are 'not re-employable'. Surely this should be the other way round. Admins are wasting a lot of time adding comments...
duncan alexander over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

The ability for all directors and managers to Opt in/Out of weekly recap

Our Director, receives the weekly holiday recap email; when in fact it's our Chief of Staff who would benefit most from this. Can we have a facility to chose who receives recaps and updates, rather than having it default to the Org Chart?
Guest 6 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting