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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Holiday status to show on leave only during the holiday timeframe for half days.

Currently, if an employee adds half a day holiday, PeopleHR shows them as on leave the whole day, when it would be better and more accurate if it would show only on leave during that half of the day. For example, when adding a half day for the aft...
Guest 3 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Record 3/4 day sick leave

Currently have the option to record 1/4 day, 1/2 day or full day sickness absence. Being able to record 3/4 day sickness absence would be a valuable improvement.
Carol Riley about 1 year ago in Planner 4 Added to Product Backlog

Planner heat map

Please allow users to set the % of people on AL to trigger the green, amber, red heat map in the planner. Our planner looks red pretty much all the time as the triggers are not set correctly to the needs of our business, which wastes a really valu...
Guest 9 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Set up recurring other events

To be able to set up recurring other events in the planner. for example, if we want employees to log the days they are in the office in their planner under other events, it would be useful to set up a recurrence if they are in the office the same ...
Guest 8 months ago in Planner 2 Open for Voting

Automatic Flagging when Timesheet Times are earlier/later than Working Pattern Times

Our previous system had a very useful feature whereby it would flag up when someone had clocked in later than their working pattern/shift pattern or clocked out earlier than their working pattern. It would be extremely useful if PeopleHR had some ...
Victoria Boyle over 1 year ago in Planner 2 Open for Voting

Employees being able to edit their holidays

It would be really useful if employee's could edit their own holidays once these have been booked.
Sarah Harrison over 1 year ago in Planner 1 Open for Voting

Locking off the planner to single or a certain random group of employees

It would be useful to be able to lock off days on the planner to single or random groups of employees. At the moment we can only lock off departments which doesnt make sense.
Clare Osborne 7 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Continuous Sickness Period

When managers are inputting sickness, if the date is next to a sickness date, can a pop up be presented on screen to ask the manager if this is a continuing sickness period? If so please edit the sickness enter that is currently in there and amend...
duncan alexander over 1 year ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Employee Planner Timesheet Exceptions

When an employees planner timesheet falls outside of an employees work pattern, an exception/alert to be raised on the employees planner. Currently it is a manual process to investigate each difference between an employee timesheet and work patter...
Stuart Millington about 1 year ago in Planner 4 Open for Voting

Simplify the assignment of hours

There's no way to simplify the assignment of hours in the planner. So can they have automatically the hours of the timesheet so they can know how many hours the have to fill? In addition, instead of having a list that they need to open, Could they...
Guest 4 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting