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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Alter the field name "Bank Code" to "Sort Code"

It would be beneficial to alter the field name "Bank Code" to "Sort Code" on the desktop version to align with the app given the phrase "Sort Code" is more commonly used. Thanks.
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Easier way of bulk deleting data

When an employee leaves, we don't want to delete them as an employee, but we do need to delete certain information such as all the data on the Contacts tab, address bank details, emergency contacts. Once an employee is processed as a leaver, can t...
Teri Lewis 12 days ago in Employee 0

Click through to employees on Manager's Overview

When a manager logs in, they see a list of their employees, however from this list they cannot click through to the profile but have to go to the menu, select employees and then choose the individual.
Teri Lewis over 1 year ago in Employee 3 Added to Product Backlog

Employees self certifying on People HR

As employees take time off as sick, it would be great if they would self certify on PeopleHR and not the line manager or the admin inputting this on to the system. This can then be approved by the line manager.
Guest 6 months ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting

Add an "inactive" button for those who work semi regularly

We cannot be the only organisation who employ students who only work for us during their holidays but do so regularly. We would prefer to have an employee inactive button so we can start and stop their employment with us easily rather than have to...
Jane Marr about 2 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Could you show a medical alert picture, or some sort of flag to indicate that an employee has a medical condition. This needs to be on the front of their main record.

This would make it easier to visually see there is a condition, and would make it easier to do annual checks. If you could also be able to run a report off for all employees with medical conditions, that would be even better.
Maxine Johnston 11 months ago in Employee / Queries/Reporting 1 Open for Voting

HR/Admins reject expenses

When a manager approves an expense it may be wrong and we need to have the ability to reject it before it goes to payroll, the only current option is to delete it, it needs a send back option.
Guest about 1 month ago in Employee 0

Add expenses to desk top version

Allow users to add and submit their expenses via the desktop version rather than just the app
Simon Tidman over 1 year ago in Employee 8 Added to Product Backlog

Passport and RTW documents to be automatically added to Right to work tab in employment section

at the moment i need to add documents to different tab and Right to work to different tab. I would like for a documents added to documents section, marked as right to work, to be automatically displayed in Employment part of People HR ensuring tha...
Barbara Czarnocka 7 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Notification when a document has been uploaded (but does not need signed)

When a document is uploaded to an employees profile I have been informed that there is no notification to tell them, this seems very strange, how would they know a new document has been added unless we also take the additional step of emailing the...
Guest about 2 months ago in Employee 0