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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Status Added to Product Backlog
Categories Employee
Created by Teri Lewis
Created on Sep 28, 2023

Click through to employees on Manager's Overview

When a manager logs in, they see a list of their employees, however from this list they cannot click through to the profile but have to go to the menu, select employees and then choose the individual.

Describe the Challenge It takes time to click through to another employee list, when there is already one there that could link. This could save valuable time.
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  • Kariss Wilkins
    Feb 14, 2024

    Our managers would also like this. Should be able to click on the employee under against their profile. Not have to go into the employee section and then search.

  • Soraya Asgari
    Jan 12, 2024

    The cursor becoming a hand over each employees name doesn't help

  • Rachel Boyce
    Dec 8, 2023

    This is the most questioned thing from maangers in my organisation, they all expect to click through to their employees from their list.