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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 207

Ability to mark expenses as paid for leavers

Expenses can only be marked as paid during employment which is ridiculous when their final pay will be received after leaving the business. Expenses should be able to be marked as paid even once an employee has left the business, without having to...
Charlotte Hammond 12 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Shift/Rota flexibility

It would be very helpful if the shift/work patterns features were more flexible - or if we could add shifts more flexibly to particular teams of employees. At the moment, we are resource planning outside of the system and so there are some discrep...
Pamela Bolla 9 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

ATS - add a hyperlink to a candidate question

Improve the look of the information for applicants and enable them to click a link. Currently we need to type out the link on a question which asks the applicant to read our Recruitment Privacy statement. The statement itself is too large to add i...
Annette Attwell over 1 year ago in Admin / ATS 0 Open for Voting

Export list or detailed report for working patterns

Settings / Work patterns. Ability to download a detailed list of all the working patterns, including the description and daily breakdown.
Annette Attwell over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Enable adding URLs into instructional text fields in logbooks

If, for example, I use a logbook for self assessment against a set of skills defined in a skills matrix with a policy held in the company documents library or possibly elsewhere, it would be helpful to embed a URL in the instructional text field o...
Graham Clarke about 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Increase in email tags for ripple emails

It would be useful to have more options of email tags to use in the email stage in a ripple e.g. [[Recruitment Cost]] so that these things can be pulled for finance for referral fees.
Guest about 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Access Rights

Being able to bulk action Access Rights, or create profiles we can assign to users would be very useful. Currently changing access rights requires us to manually change for said users, which can be a big undertaking. Also being able to set default...
Guest over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Ripple - Removing new starters from Ripples

When creating a query for a Ripple, it would be really beneficial to be able to remove 'New Starters'. I am currently using a Ripple to notify our IT/H&S team of when an employee changes location or department, however, everytime we create a n...
Anna Pope 3 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Bulk Assign Ripples

It would be really good to have the option to bulk assign ripples/workflows.
Vickie Shaw about 1 year ago in Admin 1 Open for Voting

Bulk upload direct report and additional reports

It would be incredibly useful to be able to bulk load direct reports and additional reports. In some of our operational areas you can have 6 additional reports - if we have to update any of these we need to go into individual records to update - a...
Guest 10 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting