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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Move the "Add Day" button to the top of page when adding Public Holidays

We have several locations globally and so I have to add in the public holidays for each region each year. Now we have been with PeopleHR for several years, the list for each country is really long and to add a new date, each time you have to scrol...
Teri Lewis 10 days ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting


I'm an admin on People HR. When I set up the iCal calendar feed it displays all staff holidays in my outlook calendar. I only want to view my own department & people I manage via the feed. You can only filter by departments on the company plan...
Guest about 2 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Ability to set multiple filters into the Company Planner that stay in place

Our company uses the Company planner to view holidays based on multiple different ways, for example - our Secretary Manager would like to view holiday for all of our Secretaries but they work in different locations and different departments so she...
Claire Summers 3 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Make TOIL easier to log

Finding where to log an employee's TOIL is difficult. Currently its in the 'settings' tab when it isnt a setting. Make it more obvious for the line manager to log accrued days and make a way for the employee to request TOIL to be added for them.
Natasha Whitehead about 2 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Enable the CEO to electronically sign documents – especially Employment Contracts.

Exactly what you want the system to do in this case: Enable the CEO to electronically sign documents – especially Employment Contracts. The CEO currently has Administrator status within PeopleHR. Either an additional access right that can be added...
John Robinson about 1 month ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Stop changes in annual leave from hours to days impacting annual leave history over previous years and not just the effected year

When changing an annual leave working pattern from hours to days at the start of an annual leave year this impacted all previous annual leave and resulted in an incorrect leave record. The change should only effect the leave year refered to.. By n...
Karen Colley 11 months ago in Planner 1 Open for Voting

Create an option for images to be added for Performance

It would be great if you could paste images or add attachments to performance reviews so there is a record all in one place. Sometimes Managers may have graphs or charts that are relevant.
Guest 20 days ago in Performance Management 0

Managers to be able to add TOIL via Mobile app.

With managers using the Mobile app more for adding of assignments and sickness entries, it would also be useful if Managers are able to add/remove TOIL from the mobile app in a similar way.
Deveena Dissanayake about 1 month ago in Mobile 0 Open for Voting

Allow other events for all staff to see on their Calendar feed.

We use the other events for "working from home", "late in/leaving early" and other similar events showing if an employee is in or out of the office. When non managers apply the calendar feed from the planner, it does not allow them the option to s...
Adam Masters about 1 month ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

HR Amin button

The HR Admin button should only be visible to Admins in the system and not to anyone else who does not have Admin rights.
Guest 11 months ago in Admin 0 Added to Product Backlog