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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Allow custom return to work in planner for absences

Allow each organization to edit the options for Return to Works when employees have been off sick
Guest 7 months ago in Planner 1 Open for Voting

Links in emails to hyperlink to the exact action in PeopleHR

When I click on a link which has an action for me to complete in PeopleHR I want to be taken directly to the 'job to do' so that I don’t have to find my way to the action. A good example of this is viewing a document. This would help me in directi...
Guest over 1 year ago in Integrations 1 Open for Voting

Future Leavers on the employee list

Have a tab for future leavers, just like the future starters
Jack Phillips 8 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Can we have the option to record sickness in hours on People HR

We have people that leave work because they have come into work then feel sick on the day and need to leave. At the moment there is only the option to record sickness for a day, 1/2 day or 1/4 day. Is is possible to record sickness in hours like a...
Ingrid Norman 4 months ago in Admin 1 Open for Voting

Sync holidays on Outlook to reflect working patterns, not the standard 9 to 5.

Ultimately, we are looking for People HR to sync individual employees’ working patterns to Outlook with half days being reflective of the individuals contracted hours (ignoring any lunch breaks). This would be beneficial because not all employees ...
Ross Chaplin 4 months ago in Integrations 2 Open for Voting

Allow customisation of the columns on the list of employees

We have several different companies under one PeopleHR and we need to be able to add the Company field on the list of employees which would allow much easier sorting and navigation. I imagine lots of other users of PeopleHR have different requirem...
Victoria Boyle 5 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Query on Outstanding Tasks!

It is not currently possible to produce queries or reports on tasks that have been created in People HR. It is also not possible to explort the task data manually via Excel or any other method.
Stuart Millington 6 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

to have some limits in place to prevent too many members of the same team all booking time off at the same time?

business logic needed in the sysptem to better manage team availability, currently its down to relying on the manager checking , which sometime they dont!
Guest 5 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Need Absence Type of Shared Parental Leave

Shared Parental Leave is needed, alongside Maternity / Paternity. either as it's own absence type or likely a choice within the Maternity / Paternity absence line. have logged this with support as query, but was answered to set up as 'Other Event'...
Mandy Mathieson 8 months ago in Employee 2 Open for Voting

Sickness Queries to include Long Term Sick Cases without having to run a separate query

Currently, if you run a report on sickness in the previous month, it will not include the long term cases that have not commenced in the previous month but are still ongoing during that month. The only workaround is to complete separate queries fo...
Carina Pieries 10 months ago in Queries/Reporting 2 Open for Voting