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Created by Guest
Created on May 28, 2024

Remove the cancel button from the planner entry

I know it's a new thing but people are not finding the delete button as is. By adding a cancel button at the beginning of that workflow, people will be confused as to why the cancel button doesn't actually cancel their entry.

Describe the Challenge We are already finding it difficult to keep having to repeat ourselves as to how to cancel a holiday on people's planners. No matter how many announcements or company-wide presentations we do about it. It's still endless and with this new feature, this will only escalate. It already is escalating. Just today I got 2 different people asking the same thing: why does the cancel button not cancel the entry?
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  • Suzanne Rose
    May 29, 2024

    Yes, I totally support this. I've explained this a few times since the change.