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Performance Management

Showing 85

Within the performance tab we need to chance a bit of wording.

Within the performance tab we need to chance a bit of wording. Once you start the review we need this to be changed Core to Behavior and job role should be performance.
Guest 11 months ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Change prefixed headings

Being able to change the heading like performance where it has negative connotations and therefore resistance to using the section. Have the menu more in our 'language' and terminology to improve usage of all sections
Sarah Smith over 1 year ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

employee performance input made optional

It would be very useful to have an option that only the manager can put through a review. Currently, we have to put in a "not applicable" in each section of the employee section as most employees do not want to add to the review.
Denise Wilson Dobbie 12 months ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting


be able to add/delete employees after first set up; be able to edit naming of review; able to delete incorrectly set up reviews; able to view all of previous years performance reviews in performance overview page
Guest 6 months ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

360 Feedback reporting

It would be useful to have a date field on the 360 feedback when running a query so it can be filtered when running a report
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee / Performance Management 1 Closed - Not right now

Auto calculate Performance overview score

Currently, the overview score is not auto calculating the segment scores. For example, if I were to score myself 1 across all segments, I could score myself 5 in the overview which doesn't make sense. The overview should be calculating the questio...
Chris Smith 6 months ago in Performance Management 0

Allow more than one approver on holidays at second stage

We have 2 step holiday authorization, but at each step if you add more than one approver it requires all to sign off before the holiday is approved. This makes life very difficult and would appreciate if either or could sign of and not both.
laura Palin about 1 year ago in Performance Management 0

Expand the view window for notes within the 1-2-1 logbook

In the logbook section there is a useful template to record the content of 1-2-1 meetings. In the template there is a specific section titled 'Notes'. Whilst this allows for a fair amount of notes to be added, the notes window is very small and re...
Anita Scrocc about 1 year ago in Employee / Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Please could you change the order on the drop down menu when you start a new review

Please could you change the order on the drop down menu which lists all reviews set up in the system, so that the open performance review for the current year shows at the top of the menu.
Guest about 1 year ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Allow archiving of old review templates

The check box in performance settings to say reviews are IN USE or not applies to all listed. Please can we have this option alongside each review template so that we can turn off (archive) previously used templates. We are asked to create perform...
Sarah King 7 months ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting