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Holiday Authorisation Workflows & Reporting

The requirements / brief is as follows: 1. Creating a tool to be used to aid us in blocking holidays according to our new holiday policy. Our policy has created "Holiday Pools" and based on the number of employees in each pool, either 1 holiday sl...
Guest about 1 month ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Pull Sickness Absence % from planner

This sickness absence % is updated to start afresh each year along with holiday entitlements but no way to report on it. It would be beneficial to be able to work on yearly % figures and benchmarking across Company policy, espeically due to the fa...
Ker M about 1 year ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Adding 'Date last opened' on queries page.

Adding a filtering field for Admins and Managers on 'Date Last Opened' alongside the existing Name, Description and Category will allow for easy tidying up of unused Queries.
Deveena Dissanayake 4 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Showing an assignment as approved if timesheet approved

You cannot currently build a query that shows if an assignment is part of an approved timesheet. We currently have staff that do assignments but dont send them for approval. The timesheet and assignment can still be approved but when reporting the...
Guest 4 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Gender pay gap

We were told that we could report on the gender pay gap, however this isn't available anywhere in the system, could this be added to the highest/lowest earners report. A query just gives us the background data, not the gender pay gap calculations ...
Guest about 1 year ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Add Timesheet Submission Date onto Queries

When running payroll for our hourly paid staff, sometimes they do not submit their timesheets on time meaning there is a delay to their pay. To check for any late submissions, I need to go on the authorisations tab to see if anyone submitted times...
Clara Lee 8 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Query to have a most recent record option

Please could there be an option created to only bring back the most recent record on a logbook query. This would make it so much easier to report on something like someones pension record in the logbook section, only bringing back the most recent ...
Hannah Dougherty 4 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

A Query that reports on the full time entitlement field

It would be helpful to know for reporting purposes what each employees full time entitlement (regarding holiday) is. It's a field in PeopleHR so I don't see why this isn't something you can report on in the system. I've been advised of the workaro...
Guest 12 months ago in Planner / Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Query of people who have had no sickness over a period of time

It would be useful to be able to pull off a report of staff who haven't taken any time of for sickness over a chosen period of time as this is a big achievement.
Guest 11 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Age & Length of Service Query Outputs

I've created a hotsheet that contains the age and length of service for our employees. When it exports the fields are shown as text in the format "46 years, 9 months". I want them to just have the full years - so 46 years. It would be good to have...
Guest 9 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting