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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Organisation chart layout

Design the layout that it is a readable vertical screen and better for printing. In addition the ability to click through the hierarchy levels and click directly to an individuals details from the organisation chart. Current layout of the screen i...
Annette Attwell about 1 year ago in Employee 2 Added to Product Backlog

Pre-dating role title changes and salary changes

With larger companies where we promote internally, and usually in advance - it would be helpful if we could pre-date role title changes and salary changes and they don't show or change on the system until the date advised.. similar to the change t...
Guest 4 months ago in Employee 1

CSP Rules To Shown In People HR

It would be useful if we could add an employee's Company Sick pay rules into People HR, so we can calculate where they are at within their full pay, half pay or nil pay entitlements.
Kelly Bourne 5 months ago in Employee 1

Document categories on PeopleHR to appear in alphabetical order

Hello there, The recent update to the Documents section on PeopleHR and now all documents being put into categories has made it difficult to find the documents you are actually looking for. The categories are in haphazard order and should be at le...
Guest 4 months ago in Employee 0 Added to Product Backlog

Ability to Print sickness absence list as with Holiday and Absences through the Planner

Currently you can print a list of holiday and absences through the Planner - but not sick records. Can this be included as an addition
George Evans 16 days ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Time limit on salary deduction / entitlment

Give a salary deduction / entitlement with a time limit (for a year, for example).
Keren Landsman 5 days ago in Employee 0

Set a temporary job role change

set a temporary job role for someone who is expected to fill in for a specific time.
Keren Landsman 5 days ago in Employee 0

Alter the field name "Bank Code" to "Sort Code"

It would be beneficial to alter the field name "Bank Code" to "Sort Code" on the desktop version to align with the app given the phrase "Sort Code" is more commonly used. Thanks.
Guest 11 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Employees self certifying on People HR

As employees take time off as sick, it would be great if they would self certify on PeopleHR and not the line manager or the admin inputting this on to the system. This can then be approved by the line manager.
Guest 3 months ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting

Click through to employees on Manager's Overview

When a manager logs in, they see a list of their employees, however from this list they cannot click through to the profile but have to go to the menu, select employees and then choose the individual.
Teri Lewis about 1 year ago in Employee 3 Added to Product Backlog