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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Continuous Service after Start date

We have casual contracts who do not have continuous service rights but then change contracts to an employee on an FTC and therefore gain a continuous service date however the system does not enable us to input this date.
Guest 11 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Includes comments added to a holiday or other event booking in the manager approval email

Currently, if an employee adds a comment to a holiday or other event booking (ie sufficient cover in office) this does not pull through on the manager's approval email they receive. Likewise, if a manager adds a comment when they approve/decline a...
Caitlin Le Gallez 4 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Sort code instead of bank code

It would help if PHR could rename the field titled ‘Bank Code’ to ‘Sort Code’ (or alternatively put it in the ‘Help Text’) because we get a lot of employees misunderstanding this section and consequently leaving it blank, leaving us to chase them ...
Guest 4 months ago in Employee 0

Automatically add the ATS ID when converting an employee on a vacancy

There is currently no link between the ATS and employee information. In order to track, we need to create different reports and manually match the vacancy details to the employee records to find out which position they have filled. This can take t...
Annette Attwell 4 months ago in Employee 0

Authorised Paid Sickness

At the moment the system only allows HR/Admin to confirm whether logged sickness on the planner is to be paid. This facility should be available to managers are HR are not aware of whether they are entitled to pay as the HR Team is remote.
Lorraine Miranda about 1 year ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting

Employee Advanced Search

When we used the 'Advanced Search' under employees before the latest update, the filters stayed in place when going back, so we could go through different filtered out people. Now, every time you go back, it resets the filter meaning that we're ha...
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting

Set Workspace access for all new starters in PeopleHR to be 'no access' by default

When adding a new user to PeopleHR please can there be a default so that they are added to our other Workspace applications with a default 'no access' rather than what seems to be a random mix of 'user' and 'no access'. There doesn't seem to be an...
Claire Padbury about 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Notification is received by manager when a 'Thanks' is given

It would be great if managers received or could see on their dashboard which of their employees received a 'Thanks'. They could use this for team meetings to shout out and acknowledge the great feedback given to their staff.
Alpa Gohil 7 months ago in Employee 0

Add profile pics of employees

PeopleHR used to display employee pics in the organisation charts. However, lately it was removed. Kindly see attached. Please help to rectify this situation so that the employee pictures can be displayed again.
Guest 7 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Locking the Training Logbook to editing which links to the Training Matrix

Make the Training Logbook which is associated with the Training Matrix locked, or at least provide better information around the link between that logbook and the training matrix so people are warned what their action will impact if they try to am...
Claire Harrison 11 months ago in Employee 0