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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Status Added to Product Backlog
Categories Employee
Created by Catt Durant
Created on Sep 8, 2023

Add more genders to 'personal'

It's disappointing that further gender options cannot be added due to the legal sex/gender binary. 'Not specified' is not good enough - we would like colleagues who are non-binary and transgender to feel welcomed, but these gender fields are so restrictive that we have to force them into a specific gender, which they do not identify with. It doesn’t seem necessary to follow the legal sphere in this case.

I would like more categories to be added (e.g. non-binary, transgender female, transgender male).

Describe the Challenge More fields added to 'gender' in personal
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  • Holly Reid
    Jul 26, 2024

    Absolutely agree, but there should also be a 'prefer not to say' option and a self-describe option. Even better, leave the choices up to the company and gives us customisable gender fields.


More options on Gender 'Female' / 'Male' / 'Other' with a drop down list and preferred pronouns

Our employees complete an equality and diversity form when they start, some have selected different genders than female or male. It would be good to have the option in PeopleHR than 'Not specified' along with their preferred pronouns
Charlie Sharkey 5 months ago in Employee 1 Added to Product Backlog

Wider range of gender options available for input

Currently you can request male, female or prefer not to say. Given the growing increase in non-binary workers these options need to be updated to reflect the modern workforce as not being able to correctly define someone's characteristics could le...
Guest 10 months ago in Employee 0 Added to Product Backlog

More entries under Gender on PeopleHR Personal section; transgender, etc.

More entries under Gender on PeopleHR Personal section; transgender, etc.
Guest 8 months ago in Employee 1 Added to Product Backlog