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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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152 VOTE

Job Title Changes to have a future effective date.

This should be the same as:1. Company 2. Department 3. Location 4. Employment type 5. Reports to Why should Job Title be any different? Title changes are made along with at least 2 of the above, please add this as the 6th point.
Matthew Roberts 11 months ago in Employee 4 Added to Product Backlog
179 VOTE

Organisation chart layout

Design the layout that it is a readable vertical screen and better for printing. In addition the ability to click through the hierarchy levels and click directly to an individuals details from the organisation chart. Current layout of the screen i...
Annette Attwell about 1 year ago in Employee 2 Added to Product Backlog

Document categories on PeopleHR to appear in alphabetical order

Hello there, The recent update to the Documents section on PeopleHR and now all documents being put into categories has made it difficult to find the documents you are actually looking for. The categories are in haphazard order and should be at le...
Guest 4 months ago in Employee 0 Added to Product Backlog

Click through to employees on Manager's Overview

When a manager logs in, they see a list of their employees, however from this list they cannot click through to the profile but have to go to the menu, select employees and then choose the individual.
Teri Lewis about 1 year ago in Employee 3 Added to Product Backlog

Remaining Holidays (Pro-Rata based on leaving date) to have the formula visable

We get a lot of employees asking how the holiday is worked out based on the pro rated leave date, we would like to be able to provide them with the formula.
Henrietta Cooper 4 months ago in Employee 1 Added to Product Backlog

Add expenses to desk top version

Allow users to add and submit their expenses via the desktop version rather than just the app
Simon Tidman about 1 year ago in Employee 7 Added to Product Backlog

Add more genders to 'personal'

It's disappointing that further gender options cannot be added due to the legal sex/gender binary. 'Not specified' is not good enough - we would like colleagues who are non-binary and transgender to feel welcomed, but these gender fields are so re...
Catt Durant over 1 year ago in Employee 1 Added to Product Backlog

Improve ability to brand documents & Emails

I need the document creator to create professional documents easilly so that it maintains my employe brand.
Guest over 1 year ago in Admin / Employee 2 Added to Product Backlog