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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Display Character Limits on Case Logs and ATS Question Banks

There are currently character limits on Case Logs and the ATS Question Banks but nowhere does it display this. Please could the limits be displayed, like in other areas of the system. Ideally the character limits would also be increased, especiall...
Alicia Woodward over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Give elevated access by more than one parameter

It would be really helpful if you were able to provide users with elevated access based on more than one parameter i.e. location and for a specific person that is based in a different location.
Guest 11 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

OtherEvents "Updated DateTime" & "Updated By"

Within the Querries the section "Holiday" offers "Holiday Updated DateTime" and "Updated By". We need the same thing for "OtherEvents". Here sadly both these data points are missing. As Otherevents are beeing approved and handled the same way as H...
Guest 11 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Bulk update / upload of amended employee timesheets

We have managers that are responsible for many staff on our shop floor that are paid on a weekly basis. Those staff have various work patterns and grace periods which are not accounted for on the system, as when users clock in/out People HR only c...
Jassen Payen 11 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Restriction on characters that can be used on mobile app

When completing logbooks on the mobile app it isn't allowing you to use more than 200 words. This is a real problem for us as so much is completed through the mobile app, as people's preferences more often that not is to use a mobile phone. You ha...
Guest 11 months ago in Mobile 0 Open for Voting

Add a 'date submitted' field to timesheet

It is hard to capture timesheets if they are submitted retrospectively. We run a query of timesheets for payroll each month but if someone has submitted for a previous month, we have to reconcile to know what has already been paid and what is new....
Guest over 1 year ago in Planner 1 Open for Voting

Expand the view window for notes within the 1-2-1 logbook

In the logbook section there is a useful template to record the content of 1-2-1 meetings. In the template there is a specific section titled 'Notes'. Whilst this allows for a fair amount of notes to be added, the notes window is very small and re...
Anita Scrocc 11 months ago in Employee / Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

Include Employee leaving date on the employee search results page

To be able to quickly see when an employee is leaving without clicking into their profile.
Chloe Miller over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

TOIL can be added by the line manager. Keep this functionality but it would be good so just HR can add TOIL/amend/deduct as I sometimes find that this is incorrectly adhered to by employees

I would like to be able to configure the system that only HR can add/amend/deduct TOIL
Guest 11 months ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting

Ripple Notification on user dashboard

When a user logs in, the only notification that they have an outstanding or new ripple, is the small red exclamation mark at the foot of their screen. Can the ripple title and a link to any activity required be displayed under their holiday chart ...
David Ball 6 months ago in Dashboard 0 Open for Voting