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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Status Open for Voting
Categories Mobile Planner
Created by Jassen Payen
Created on Jun 3, 2024

Company Planner For Mobile - Need a more restrictive viewing levels for company planner for employees in teams to TEAM ONLY / Manager optional

We run a production environment that has many staff under one department and manager, however there are several teams within that department that are in small clusters.

Those small team clusters should only be able to see events / leave of members within their own team only, however since all these teams are managed by the overall production manager, the team members can see events from everyone in the department!

This seems like quite an oversight in terms of restrictions, as staff being able to see what other teams leave looks like is causing internal conflicts. There should be an ability to further restrict users to only see events within their specified team, regardless of manager - further to that, there should be an option not to see Manager events at all for team employees.

This is the current planner restriction levels:

See the definitions below:

  • View all Employee Events - User will be able to see ALL Employees.

  • View all Department Events - User will be able to see ALL users within the same Department as well as those in their team.

  • View all Location Events - User will be able to see ALL user within the same Location as well as those in their team.

  • View all Team Events - Users will be able to see ALL users that report to the same Manager as them.

There should maybe be a restriction beneath this that restricts only being able to see events within team, and not managers events (Maybe call is "View Team Events Only". I am still very perplexed why this is allowed to be so open!!

Describe the Challenge The current view in planner is too open and is creating conflicts between various teams managed through one department. There needs to be a more restrictive view and staff in teams can see events and personal data relative to the whole department, so our employees feel vulnerable that their data is not sufficiently protected against those that shouldn't see events that are privy only to their respective teams.
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  • Admin
    Cornel Mamaliga
    Jun 4, 2024

    Hi Jassen,

    I've invited you for a review session on Wednesday 11-12.

    Looking forward to speaking with you.

    Kind regards,


  • Jassen Payen
    Jun 3, 2024

    Hi Cornel,

    Many thanks for the response. Yes I'd be happy to discuss in more details please. Please let me know when would be convenient for you. I have time today until 4pm, and then Wednesday 11am - 12:30pm or 2:30pm - 4pm. Thank you.

    Kind regards,


  • Admin
    Cornel Mamaliga
    Jun 3, 2024

    Hello @Guest ,

    Thank you for submitting your feedback regarding PeopleHR Company Planner.
    Please let us know if you are available for a session in order to discuss your requirements in more detail.

    Best Regards,

    The People HR Product Team.