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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Automatic Feed from PeopleHR to LMS to ensure "Learning" defaults to "User"

When PeopleHR feeds a new starter through to LMS Workspace for Learning category, currently it defaults the new start "Manage Roles" criteria as "No Access". It would be helpful and it would make more sense for the default to be "User". That way w...
Guest about 1 year ago in Integrations 0 Open for Voting

Streamline the login proces available to SSO integrations

Single sign on (SSO) has 2 main benefits to employees; minimising the requirement for validation through the login process minimising scope for human error whilst entering login credentials I am aware that with at least one of your SSO integration...
Graham Clarke about 1 year ago in Integrations 0 Open for Voting

Ability to see document description in the employee document screen

At the moment you can only see a document name and the category in the employees document section, but if you have multiple files in a category the only way to tell them apart is the file name which means saving the document in our local files fir...
Guest 10 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Add color option for different personal on the planner

Would like to be able to see holydays on multiple people in different colors to easy see overlaps.
Guest 7 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Ripple - Removing new starters from Ripples

When creating a query for a Ripple, it would be really beneficial to be able to remove 'New Starters'. I am currently using a Ripple to notify our IT/H&S team of when an employee changes location or department, however, everytime we create a n...
Anna Pope 3 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Bulk Assign Ripples

It would be really good to have the option to bulk assign ripples/workflows.
Vickie Shaw about 1 year ago in Admin 1 Open for Voting

Can we apply different Scorecard categories without each category being displayed on each scorecard?

We are looking to optimise our PHR ATS and one of our enhancements is better use of the Scorecard and it's categories. We we setup Scorecard Categories, every category seems to appear regardless of the type of scorecard or interview selected (see ...
Kevin Pinel 7 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Bulk upload direct report and additional reports

It would be incredibly useful to be able to bulk load direct reports and additional reports. In some of our operational areas you can have 6 additional reports - if we have to update any of these we need to go into individual records to update - a...
Guest 10 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Scheduled Changes - Personal Details

You have added a new feature "Scheduled Changes" which means changes for the future don't take effect until the effective date which is great. However, we need to be able to pull a report off including scheduled changes information, but this field...
Guest about 1 year ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

A filter to control who can add interactive Ripple

When creating an interactive Ripple it would be useful if you could control who can add the Ripple. At the moment anyone can select the Ripple themselves.
Andrew McAvan 3 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting