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Print draft Performance Reviews before they go live

It would be used to be able to print a full draft of all the performance sections and questions from the Performance tab, before they are live or while still in draft, so that Admin can review/update/change questions as necessary on a year by year...
Karan Yearwood 9 months ago in Performance Management 0 Open for Voting

the systems should not allow auto-approval of holidays unless this is specifically authorized through a rule

Current advice receive from Customer Supports - Please note that it is system default that if the rule is listed for additional reports to only approve the requests then if they don't have an additional report then it will automatically approve. I...
Guest 9 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Make it easier to save entitlements/deductions in the employee salary

Right now when adding entitlements to an employee's salary, e.g. for a new starter, this can only be done after the employee record is created, and once entered you have to click Done and then on the next page click Save. In practice, its really e...
Holly Reid 2 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Be able to book holiday more than a year in advance

Need to be able to access the planner past 2024, that's how we function as a business
Soraya Asgari about 1 year ago in Planner 1 Open for Voting

ATS - Multiple Job Location Advertising

it would be great to have the ability to post one advert to multiple locations local to each other to ensure the best reach online for applications rather than having to post multiple job adverts to manage manually. There is a section on the adver...
Guest about 1 year ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Expenses app - ability to select multiple expenses and mark as paid

it would save a lot of time if mor than one expense could e marked as paid rather than doing each one individually
Sarah Shackleton over 1 year ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting

Combine report from ATS and employees

We would like a report that combines the ATS applicant and employee information. This will enable us to track vacancies filled with the correct information, and remove the need to pull reports then manually consolidate them in Excel. For example a...
Annette Attwell 11 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Holiday authorisations via Teams App

It would be great for holiday requests to go to the Approvals app in Microsoft Teams. This would be a much quicker and easier way for Managers to approve holiday for their teams and see a list of their approvals as well as any outstanding quickly.
Jayne Young 5 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Functionality to turn off the company documents if not used

Purely for aesthetics and colleagues get confused by this tab and their own documents tab. Would be good to turn off access or viewability for this altogether if not used. Especially as most organisations will have some form of SharePoint/intranet.
Vickie Shaw about 1 year ago in Dashboard 2 Open for Voting

Making the Comments text box in the ATS Scorecards mandatory

We are looking to optimise the use of the Scorecards in the PHR ATS platform. One enhancement we would like to make is to make the comments field (see attached) mandatory so it must be populated before the Scorecard can be saved and closed
Kevin Pinel 7 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting