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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 1054 of 1054

Manager Notification

When a manager sends a document such as a 1-2-1 to an employee to sign, the manager should also get a notification when it has been signed as well as the employee and the administrator.
Guest about 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Manager to be able to raise a sickness absence for their team member on the Mobile App

At the moment, you can only raise an sickness absence for yourself using the app. In our firm it is the manager who has to add a sickness to the planner after the employee has reported it to them, which I think is pretty standard. It would be grea...
Claire Harrison about 2 months ago in Mobile 0

Allow Admin to view/edit onboarding "tasks" without having to create an employee

The only way to view/edit onboarding tasks is to add a new/fake employee then when you get to the final step you are able to view tasks and edit them. It would be useful if admin could access these tasks without having to create a new/fake employe...
Guest 4 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Managers to be able to re-open closed reviews

Managers should be able to re-open closed reviews in the employee records. Currently only admin can which is a pain when we want them to re-open them to add their mid-year review comments to the same annual review previously closed.
Guest 5 months ago in Performance Management 0

Improved Formatting Options

It would be useful to have more formatting options when creating logbooks and Scorecards, as examples. There's no option to BOLD any text or PARAGRAPH text in the headings/subheadings areas.
Alicia Woodward about 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Make applicant name visible on notifications for 'New applicant received'

Currently when we receive emails notifying us of a new applicant it doesn't list the applicant name (alerts for all other ATS pipeline stages do). Please can the applicant name be available in these emails? It's leading to confusion as people are ...
Joanne Fahey 8 months ago in ATS 0

Filter Employee list by who is on holiday today

The employee list shows an indicator if they have an Absence today which is a nice feature, it would be great to just filter on who has absences today so you can do a quick check in the morning to see who is off / sick
Guest about 2 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Browser tab naming

When you open ATS, Employee, HR Admin, People Analytics or Planner in different tabs within the same browser window, all of the tab names are named People, so it is difficult to know which one to click on when swapping from one application to anot...
Guest about 2 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Open Workspace Products in new tab

When opeining PeopleHR products from the access button they do not open in a new tab. All other Access products open in a new tab. Please can the UI be aligned to conform with the other Access products. you can right click and open in new tab but ...
Guest about 2 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Approval process for bank detail changes

Any attempted changes to bank details from an employee require approval from PHR admin before the change can be made. This gives the admin time to query the change with the individual via other channels to ensure legitimacy.
Guest about 2 months ago in Admin 0