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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Employee search bar on dashboard for admin

Add a search bar on the dashboard in order to search for employees instead of pressing the 9 dots, then employee.
Jack Phillips over 1 year ago in Dashboard 2 Open for Voting

Daily Recap Notification Amendments

It would be great if you can amend notifications such as the daily recap email so it doesn't send you recaps on the weekend. Currently the weekend notifications serve no purpose and just get deleted.
Guest 6 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Filter with column checkboxes in Employee screen

In the employee screen can each column have a drop down checkbox so you can just select one or multiple departments like you would in an excel filter, would be a much quicker way to filter records
Guest about 2 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Dashboard Refresh

It would be nice to see a different design for the dashboard, I find this not in keeping with the rest of the system and removing the missions.
Guest 9 months ago in Dashboard 0 Open for Voting

Show annual leave/holiday on the analytics dashboard

It would be helpful to see some version of the 'planner' that is available, but a simplified and more accessible version on the analytics dashboard, as soon as you login.
Guest 2 months ago in Analytics 0 Open for Voting

ATS - Limiting personal information of candidate from recruiting managers to avoid data breaches

We are experiencing an issue with the ATS with regards to candidates equality monitoring information and declaration of criminal convictions. When the candidate uploads their application, this poses an information governance risk as the managers c...
Carina Pieries about 1 year ago in ATS 1 Open for Voting

Print/Save Logbooks

The ability to locally save/share logbooks via a print or save function. at the moment you can force a logbook to print (and save as PDF) however this is limited in its functionality as too much text in the boxes will casue it to overlap and becom...
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting

Add return to work on absences booked through Other Event

When medical appts are booked through an Other Event, it would be useful to have the option of a return to work, so that the manager can follow up to ensure that the employee is ok to return to work, or what the outcome of the appt is in case ther...
George Evans 20 days ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Holiday Entitlement change process overhaul

Holiday entitlements are set on the employee record rather than as a company setting, so when you change the policy you have to manually enter the entitlement for every single employee in the Bulk Upload Grid. This is time consuming and prone to e...
Mandy Hopper 20 days ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Ability to add reason for declining holiday request if using the'decline' button from the email request

When an employee requests holiday and the line manager receives the email request, it can be 'approved' or 'declined' by clicking said button directly in the email. This is great if the holiday is approved. However, if it is 'declined' using said ...
Ann Swan about 2 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting