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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Leavers shouldn't have their details changed as part of automated processes

As an example, the functionality which reassigns a leaver's direct reports to another person should not affect any historic direct reports who have already left the business. Those reports records need to stay as they are for data integrity purpos...
Holly Reid 16 days ago in Employee 0

Add more than one day of sickness on the app

When someone is off for more than one day you cannot go back into the sickness entry on the mobile app and alter the dates meaning that someone off for 3 days has 3 separate sickness entries, meaning 3 different Return to work forms etc.
Guest about 1 month ago in Mobile / Planner 0

Data Retention

It would be great if there was a better way to handle data retention. The only current way is to manually deleted employees 1-1, thus losing history headcount data and very admin heavy. Resorting to extracting and anonymising data and then piecing...
duncan alexander 7 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Allow Admins to push through a reminder email for managers when a holiday request is pending

Currently, when a holiday request is pending, this is only show in small detail at the bottom of their recap emails. Or if they go looking for it within 'Authorisations'. It would be good for admins to push through a specific case by case reminder...
Natasha Whitehead about 2 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Leavers to be removed from leavers tab

Any leavers who have moved from Employees to quick filter Leavers, should be removed completely after 6 years. Or at least administration notified that they need to be removed soon.
Guest 6 months ago in Employee 1

Allow staff to see reason for locked holiday

Allow staff to see the reason that we have locked a holiday day
Guest 3 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Employee List - Bespoke Sort List

When you go to 'Employees' it is a set list of things to sort by (name, location etc). Personally, I would prefer to have 'Start Date' rather than 'Length of Service' in that list as it's then easy to see new starters without pulling off a query. ...
Carla Roberts 9 days ago in Dashboard 0 Open for Voting

Time limit on salary deduction / entitlment

Give a salary deduction / entitlement with a time limit (for a year, for example).
Keren Landsman 9 days ago in Employee 0

Set a temporary job role change

set a temporary job role for someone who is expected to fill in for a specific time.
Keren Landsman 9 days ago in Employee 0

Employee Default List - Show Company

We use this for 5 different companies so would be good to have at a glance
Guest 9 days ago in Dashboard 0