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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Please can the word 'other' be changed within the 'other events' option.

When booking a 'other event' and this event arriving with the approving manager this can cause confusion when the manager approves. Can the option show the reason and not the word 'other'.
Guest 6 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Holidays Decided under the Authorisations function needs archiving as too big to work properly

The number of Decided holidays within the Authorisations function in our system has now reached 26,771 and increases everyday. This means searching for a record is taking forever...... They date back to when we first purchased PeopleHR and it will...
Claire Summers 7 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Colour used to note pending holiday requests. Idea is to use a different colour for pending holidays

At present, it is not so clear as to when a holiday is pending approval
Paul McNutt 8 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Access an existing logbook from a Ripple

Logbooks are often 'works in progress' - e.g. we have a custom appraisal template. Would like a Ripple to get people to the Logbooks and be able to open an existing one rather than create a new one.
Helen Lamb about 1 month ago in Employee 0

Use a standard 260 working days for cost of absence calculation

Currently the system uses the salary effective date to the end of a 12 month period but this can fluctuate and is not a consistent calculation. It would be better to have a standard 260 days for full time staff and reduced numbers pro rata for peo...
Liz Elstub 5 months ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting

Maintaining full record of RTW documents

Currently when we add a new right-to-work document on the Employment page (eg a passport or online RTW check) we have to delete the existing one. This deletes it from the Documents section as well, meaning we have to add it back again so we mainta...
Kate Kirkman 10 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Ability for system to round up holiday entitlement to nearest half day

Holiday entitlement currently calculated to exact amount when pro-rated (ie 2.37 days). Woud be great to have the option for it to auto round up to the nearest half day.
Guest about 1 year ago in Employee / Planner 0 Open for Voting

Future LM change

It would be good to have Future Reports To merge tag in the system so that ripples are not sent with the wrong data ahead of the change date
Guest 3 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Filter Employee list by who is on holiday today

The employee list shows an indicator if they have an Absence today which is a nice feature, it would be great to just filter on who has absences today so you can do a quick check in the morning to see who is off / sick
Guest about 2 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Pulse Surveys

To be able to create pulse surveys on the desktop application so that it pops-up at the bottom on the employees home screen when they login rather than just on the mobile app.
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting