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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 219 of 1044

Send a email notification to alert of tasks for current day, week etc

Send employees a email of tasks that need to be complete in the current day, this should be sent before 8am to make sure employees are aware of any tasks that need to be completed. A email with current day tasks and maybe a weekly reminder of upco...
Jack Phillips 16 days ago in Employee 0

Leavers shouldn't have their details changed as part of automated processes

As an example, the functionality which reassigns a leaver's direct reports to another person should not affect any historic direct reports who have already left the business. Those reports records need to stay as they are for data integrity purpos...
Holly Reid 12 days ago in Employee 0

Remember search / filters after going into one record on Employee List

If you type something into the search or set a filter on the Employee screen (eg a dept name) and open one record, when you go back to the employee screen it forgets the search filter and you have to type it in again, this makes the process very s...
Guest about 2 months ago in Employee 0

Passport and RTW documents to be automatically added to Right to work tab in employment section

at the moment i need to add documents to different tab and Right to work to different tab. I would like for a documents added to documents section, marked as right to work, to be automatically displayed in Employment part of People HR ensuring tha...
Barbara Czarnocka 5 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

To display signatures on documents

To show an employees signatures on documents that have been signed by them.
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee 7 Already Planned

Could you show a medical alert picture, or some sort of flag to indicate that an employee has a medical condition. This needs to be on the front of their main record.

This would make it easier to visually see there is a condition, and would make it easier to do annual checks. If you could also be able to run a report off for all employees with medical conditions, that would be even better.
Maxine Johnston 8 months ago in Employee / Queries/Reporting 1 Open for Voting

Remaining Holidays (Pro-Rata based on leaving date) to have the formula visable

We get a lot of employees asking how the holiday is worked out based on the pro rated leave date, we would like to be able to provide them with the formula.
Henrietta Cooper 4 months ago in Employee 1 Added to Product Backlog

Upload data table into logbooks

As a company we use logbooks for probationary reviews for all staff, however there is no option to upload a data table - it just copies and pastes through as plain text. It would be good if we can analyse data in particular for our sales team whil...
Sarah Harrison 7 days ago in Employee 0

Timesheet notifications delivered monthly

With our payroll being monthly, it's an irritant for our Supervisors to have to authorise timesheets weekly, and not monthly. We only have a few on worker contracts - but we all get paid the same date. Can we not have the facility to sign off time...
Guest 13 days ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Include protected characteristics in the personal details tab

It would be benefitial to include other protected characteristics (such as gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, race, religion or belief, sexual orientation and disability) in the Personal Details tab. These details should be disab...
Guest 5 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting