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Plugin Request Schedules - Accessible for Multiple Users

We have Plugin requests created to pull biometric clock ins/outs into People HR that have been request by a certain user. We need these schedules to be accessible to other admins within PeopleHR to manage issues as and when they occur. Currently, ...
Stuart Millington 11 months ago in Integrations 0 Open for Voting

Plugin Request - Successful Email Notification Not Required

We need the ability to switch off email notifications for successful requests that have been created or scheduled within 'Plugins'. Only failed requests are required for investigation otherwise a mailbox can be overrun with unnecessary email notif...
Stuart Millington 11 months ago in Integrations 0 Open for Voting

Add planner to Outlook Calendar

I understand that the Planner can be downloaded into Outlook, however it opens as a new calendar, which does not allow for notifications.
Laura Vincent 8 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Employee name search function in Authorisations should show all decided holidays not just those entered by the employee

The search function within Authorisations is set to only return decided holidays if the employee has added the holiday into the system themselves. If Admin, Manager, Absence admin adds the holiday in for them it does not appear. When searching for...
Claire Summers over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Separate sick and holiday hours from weekly basic hours on detailed timesheet

Separate columns containing sick hours and holiday hours would allow distinction between the different types, and reduce workload when calculating and inputting wages. Overtime and Sunday hours are already separated into their own columns, so some...
Guest 4 months ago in Analytics 0 Open for Voting

Return to Work interviews - notifications just to immediate line manager

To have the Return to Work interview working on sickness absences, it will email not just line managers, but also additional managers. I would like to turn that off. The MD does not need to see when every employee is off.
Paula Meekins 12 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Bulk Upload - Other Events

We use other events to record our half day discretional days at Christmas where everyone has the afternoon off. As other events are recorded in a 24 hour clock and are not linked to working patterns you can't just specify a half working day which ...
Melissa Wilson 4 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

We have a lot of staff on no working patterns who only work shifts of less 7.5 hours is there any way that the default can be deactivated in any way or is there another way round the manager having to go in and alter amounts as this is quite onerous.

This would save some time for managers having to adjust time taken in leave
Guest 8 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Other Absence to show number of days not spells in the Employee planner overview

Amend the current settings to show number of days (not spells) to be consistent with Holiday and Sickness: Holiday (Aeroplane) shows number of days Other events (flag) shows number of spells Sickness (sad face) shows number of days
Annette Attwell over 1 year ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Edited Access Rights to allow for excluding Future Start's

Giving access to certain employees to access certain areas, such as a logbook, allows them to view ALL employees in the system, including Future Start's. you can exclude specific employees but then would have to go back to edit rights for each emp...
Mandy Mathieson 8 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting