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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 1054 of 1054

Be able to change what is shown up on the planner for sickness - to show up the past 12 months sickness, instead of the holiday year to date

Would be great to have the option to change what is shown up on the planner for sickness - to show up the past 12 months sickness, instead of the holiday year to date
Guest 3 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Length of service (LOS) report to show average LOS for company

In our annual report and other MI reporting, we are asked to report on the avg LOS. We currently have to run the report then manually work it out.
Kate Hewitt 4 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Blind recruitment

I'd like the ability to hire without hiring managers seeing information about the applicant such as their name, sex, gender, education location, address …
Guest over 1 year ago in Admin / ATS 4 Open for Voting

To have an option to notify employee as opposed to signing

when adding documents to their record. Sometimes, you don't need their signature however, want to notify them that it has been added and an email notification is sent. We want an additional tick box to ask for notification in addition to the signi...
Guest 2 months ago in Employee 1 Open for Voting

Query to extract in the order your sort it

Please can queries extract into excel/csv in the column order that you sort it on PeopleHR. It is really annoying when doing reports that you have to sort the columns in the order you need them outside the system. It would be so much easier to be ...
Hannah Dougherty 4 months ago in Queries/Reporting 0 Open for Voting

Option to turn off the pop-up suggesting other tasks when updating the salary

There should be an option to turn off the pop-up that comes up when you update someone's salary. I know that it suggests useful things, and some users may find that helpful, but my company does not use those features so it is merely annoying and e...
Abigail Bowley 9 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

ATS to confirm when an email has successfully sent

Currently when you send an email via the ATS, it adds the email to the applicants file but this isn't confirmation that the email has been sent. It would be great to receive confirmation of a sent email, or have access to a 'Sent' box so you can c...
Guest 13 days ago in ATS 0

Simplify the assignment of hours

There's no way to simplify the assignment of hours in the planner. So can they have automatically the hours of the timesheet so they can know how many hours the have to fill? In addition, instead of having a list that they need to open, Could they...
Guest about 1 month ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Arrange employees in alphabetical order by Surname

Instead of arranging/listing employees by First Name, it may be better to arrange them by Surname, as some people have 'known as' names, or use their middle name etc.
Jessica West about 1 year ago in Employee 3 Open for Voting

Able to access employee records from Dashboard or overview

It would be great if managers were able to access their direct reports from the dashboard. When they select the employees tab at the bottom, it shows them but they are no clickable. I have been asked to raise this as a product request by several m...
duncan alexander about 1 year ago in Dashboard 0 Open for Voting