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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Different set of application questions dependant on role or organisation

Hello. Currently at the moment, the ATS allows for a set of questions to be added to the advert on a singular basis either through manual upload or through the copy from function when a new role has been added. When this is done on a manual upload...
Abbie Moorton 5 months ago in ATS 0

ATS - internal candidates

ATS to have the ability to accommodate for internal candidates being successful. Suggestion is for a tick box within the candidate record that states Internal application from current employee. Then if they become the successful candidate then can...
Annette Attwell over 1 year ago in Admin / ATS 3 Open for Voting

CV upload being made mandatory

Please take off the 'must upload CV' when creating vacancies. It caused confusion. Please also can we reword the 'turn on' and 'turn off' to 'yes' or 'no' with a switch button for more intuitive understanding of the function?
Guest 4 months ago in ATS 0

Add the ability for approvers to be automatically reminded if they don't approve the vacancy

We'd like the system to automatically remind an approver that their approval is needed for a vacancy. With many vacancies live at once, it's hard to keep track of who has approved what and chasing up approvers is tedious.
Victoria Boyle 11 months ago in ATS 0

ATS to confirm when an email has successfully sent

Currently when you send an email via the ATS, it adds the email to the applicants file but this isn't confirmation that the email has been sent. It would be great to receive confirmation of a sent email, or have access to a 'Sent' box so you can c...
Guest 3 months ago in ATS 0

ATS - create standard set of questions

Add the ability to create a standard set of questions which can then appear as a pre-defined list to select for each vacancy, rather than having to start from scratch each time or copy from a previous vacancy that may have similar question and rem...
Annette Attwell over 1 year ago in Admin / ATS 1 Open for Voting

Bulk Delete Candidate Applications - ability to delete candidates applications in bulk within the ATS.

To be able to bulk delete candidate applications from the ATS would enable us to comply with our data retention policy and GDPR UK law in a more efficient manner and leave room for less error to occur. At the moment the task if very tedious and ti...
Guest over 1 year ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Bulk Action to Download Cover letters on ATS

At present, we can download the CVs of all applicants for a particular role as a bulk action within ATS. It would be really useful to also be able to download their cover letters in the same way.
Guest 3 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Make applicant name visible on notifications for 'New applicant received'

Currently when we receive emails notifying us of a new applicant it doesn't list the applicant name (alerts for all other ATS pipeline stages do). Please can the applicant name be available in these emails? It's leading to confusion as people are ...
Joanne Fahey 11 months ago in ATS 0

Scorecard in the ATS

The scorecard feature in the ATS is malfunctioning. It would save considerable time if the overall score could be automatically averaged based on the criteria. Currently, after scoring each criterion from 1 to 5, the final score must be manually c...
Guest 9 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting