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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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ATS - create standard set of questions

Add the ability to create a standard set of questions which can then appear as a pre-defined list to select for each vacancy, rather than having to start from scratch each time or copy from a previous vacancy that may have similar question and rem...
Annette Attwell over 1 year ago in Admin / ATS 1 Open for Voting

Bulk Delete Candidate Applications - ability to delete candidates applications in bulk within the ATS.

To be able to bulk delete candidate applications from the ATS would enable us to comply with our data retention policy and GDPR UK law in a more efficient manner and leave room for less error to occur. At the moment the task if very tedious and ti...
Guest over 1 year ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Bulk Action to Download Cover letters on ATS

At present, we can download the CVs of all applicants for a particular role as a bulk action within ATS. It would be really useful to also be able to download their cover letters in the same way.
Guest 3 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Scorecard in the ATS

The scorecard feature in the ATS is malfunctioning. It would save considerable time if the overall score could be automatically averaged based on the criteria. Currently, after scoring each criterion from 1 to 5, the final score must be manually c...
Guest 9 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Integrate the scorecard with applicant's answers

We have just started using the ATS and find it incredibly clunky when trying to use the scorecard for applications. We have over 110 applications for one role and have been told that there is no way to look at each applicant's responses, score the...
Kate Hewitt about 1 month ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Role or Team Specific Pipelines in ATS

Our recruitment process varies significantly between roles/teams. We're fairly new to the ATS and our Pipeline is growing but some stages are irrelevant for many roles which can be confusing. The option to create and select role/team specific Pipe...
Carol Riley 9 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

To Create an ATS Candidate Portal

To create a portal where candidates can view the progress of their application. The pipeline is great for hiring leads/admins, but to enhance the candidate's experience, having a portal to view the status of their application would be beneficial t...
Alicia Woodward 12 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Make the address and phone number mandatory

Making this fields would make it easier to shortlist applicants, help to reject applicants from overseas, therefore reducing admin time. It would also allow the applicant to create their own profile
Guest about 1 year ago in ATS 1 Open for Voting

ATS - Active vacancy but not advertised

It would be helpful if ATS gave the option of "neither" in the "Vacancy Type" area. This is because we have a requirement where to have active vacancies, but may not require/ want them to be advertised. Having the vacancy in "draft" is not a solut...
Guest over 1 year ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

ATS Integration with Job Sites

Integration with job sites such as CV Library, Total Jobs, Job Rapido, Monster etc would be useful.
Victoria Boyle over 1 year ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting