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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Work Pattern Settings page to default to 'Active' only

When viewing the work patterns settings page, it would be helpful for this to default to only showing those work patterns which are 'active'. The 'quick filter' suggests this is already the case but you are required to click to a different filter ...
Lee Cotton 9 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Accurate Annual Leave calculations for Fixed term contract Leavers

Currently, employees on fixed term contracts have their annual leave calculated until the end of the year, like all employees. We have to manually change this by calculating their AL to their end date. If not, they would believe they have more AL ...
Natalie Nelson over 1 year ago in Admin 2 Added to Product Backlog

Allow Admins to push through a reminder email for managers when a holiday request is pending

Currently, when a holiday request is pending, this is only show in small detail at the bottom of their recap emails. Or if they go looking for it within 'Authorisations'. It would be good for admins to push through a specific case by case reminder...
Natasha Whitehead 4 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Add Managers as an option when selecting authorisations etc

Currently there are options for job role, department, location etc but would be helpful just to be able to select Managers
Leanne Barlow about 2 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

please make the leave adjustable in the leaver wizard

This needs to be adjustable in the leaver wizard because often leave is already adjusted for a fixed-term employer or someone known to be leaving before the end of the year. Then when you mark them as a leaver closer to the time, it takes the redu...
Abigail Bowley 8 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Department titles with 'in use' option

Currently once a department name has been used you can't delete it. If we change a department name or remove it from the company we are left with an ever increasing list and also the potential for the wrong department to be used. If we could simpl...
Guest 5 months ago in Admin 1 Open for Voting

Make TOIL easier to log

Finding where to log an employee's TOIL is difficult. Currently its in the 'settings' tab when it isnt a setting. Make it more obvious for the line manager to log accrued days and make a way for the employee to request TOIL to be added for them.
Natasha Whitehead 4 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Enhance the functionality of the document editor

The space for editing documents (e.g. offer letters using a template or job descriptions) is very clunky and it is really time consuming trying to format the document to look professional. For example: Even if all text is selected and Aria font is...
Guest 10 months ago in Admin 0 Added to Product Backlog

Can we have the option to record sickness in hours on People HR

We have people that leave work because they have come into work then feel sick on the day and need to leave. At the moment there is only the option to record sickness for a day, 1/2 day or 1/4 day. Is is possible to record sickness in hours like a...
Ingrid Norman 6 months ago in Admin 1 Open for Voting

Improve logbook fields

Flexible section headings - ability to adjust section headings to be more customisable and user -friendly i.e. option to have line breaks, change fonts, adjust text formatting. Slider Control - currently on start and end words can be displayed. It...
Yvonne Hutchison about 1 month ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting