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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Status Open for Voting
Categories Admin ATS
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 17, 2023

Blind recruitment

I'd like the ability to hire without hiring managers seeing information about the applicant such as their name, sex, gender, education location, address …

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  • Alicia Woodward
    Mar 14, 2024

    Hi Carina, do you not have a Job Applicant Privacy Notice? If you have one, ensure that within it you're advising of who has access to the data provided at application and the purposes.

  • Carina Pieries
    Sep 26, 2023

    I agree with this comment as we cannot currently use the ATS in it's current form as the recruiting managers have access to all equality and diversity information once the candidate uploads their application form and also as the original poster has stated, the recruiting manager can view the candidate's personal details