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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 207

Record holiday and sickness simultaneously

If an employee is on sick leave but will be on reduced / half pay, they can choose to take annual leave so that they can be paid in full. PeopleHR doesn't allow for this to be recorded as there is an overlap.
Alison Holden-Jones 7 months ago in Admin 2 Open for Voting

Automatically remove/replace leavers from approvers list on authorisation rules

When someone leaves, we would like the system to automatically remove them from the approvers list on authorisations rules. Currently they remain on the list and we have to manually check leavers and update the authorisation rules. Recently we hav...
Annette Attwell about 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Employee name search function in Authorisations should show all decided holidays not just those entered by the employee

The search function within Authorisations is set to only return decided holidays if the employee has added the holiday into the system themselves. If Admin, Manager, Absence admin adds the holiday in for them it does not appear. When searching for...
Claire Summers about 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Edited Access Rights to allow for excluding Future Start's

Giving access to certain employees to access certain areas, such as a logbook, allows them to view ALL employees in the system, including Future Start's. you can exclude specific employees but then would have to go back to edit rights for each emp...
Mandy Mathieson 8 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Add manager and employee signatures to any salary changes

Can an option for a manager and employee signature be added to the salary section under the employees personal tab. This would help to ensure that salary information being given to payroll has been signed off by the manager as being the correct sa...
Sarah Lynch 12 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

High level road map for future system development

This request is to have a high level view about what to expect for how the system is developing. An example would be for the recent release that the HR Admin was being moved into one area under the 'Access' button. Whilst that doesn't give us deta...
Annette Attwell 12 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Maternity/Paternity separated

No description provided
Guest 12 months ago in Admin / Planner 0 Open for Voting

Amending/Updating Carry Over of holiday

We understand that you introduced a new field to stipulate cut off month for carry over days, can the option be added to leave the field blank opposed to a particular month? Ideally we do not have the option to undo what we updated, which does not...
Guest 4 months ago in Admin 4 Open for Voting

Change date on bulk uplaods

We do a bulk upload for salary increase. The date effective of the increase is 1st January. In previous years, as the upload is not actually done on the 1st Jan 2024, we have to go into each employee entry and change the date. Is there a way that ...
Guest 12 months ago in Admin 1 Open for Voting

Ability to override Ripple status

For admins to be able to change the status of a ripple in action, i.e. from 'Active' to 'Completed' if for example the ripple needs completing outside of the written ripple steps.
Alicia Woodward over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting