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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Company Planner to show Dates Across the top, Names down the side

Could the company planner be updated to be more useful without having to click in and out of each day to see who is off. Could it have Days/dates across the top and names down the left so you could see everyone. It could then show working patterns...
Guest 7 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Protecting Original Clocking Times

We're currently using the Time Attendance Sync plugin to import clocking times from our clocking machines into the planner. However, we've encountered an issue where managers can edit these times, even with the "Use Virtual Clock" option enabled. ...
Patryk Zawierucha 10 months ago in Planner 1 Open for Voting

Can we remove the ability to request a quarter-day holiday?

As a business, we only permit holiday bookings as a full day or a half day. The system allows employees to request a quarter day holiday. Is it possible to enable an option to change this in the settings so that employees are not able to request q...
Beth Litherland 8 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Simultaneous approval of multiple leave requests

Is it possible to adapt the PHR system to facilitate the simultaneous approval of multiple leave or absence requests, eliminating the need to approve each request individually? Teamseer offers a similar feature where you can simply tick each absen...
Guest 8 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

To be able to specify family leave type in order to create specific ripples for each.

The combined family leave row could remain in the planner (preferably being renamed to family leave). Once the pop up opens however, to record the dates; it would be beneficial to be able to select from a drop down the exact type of family leave. ...
Emma Eden 3 months ago in Planner 0

Ability to report on leave/ working feature in other events

The new feature in other events to classify them by leave or working is great. It would be really useful to be able to report on this as well. If we were able too we could provide time in/ out of the business data to the business without sharing t...
Rosie Hodson 3 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Calculate hours for unpaid leave in line with the working pattern set up

For some reason the other leave section requires manual input for the hours. why can this not be automated to match their working pattern like the holidays are?
Guest 3 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Employee Planner Export - Holiday Summary

When clicking the Print icon on the Employee planner the PDF pulls the Entitlement from the current year not the Active Year on screen. Causes confusion for employees between what the app tells them for future years (accurate) and what is on the r...
Simon Sparrowhawk about 1 year ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Indicate which fields are mandatory to complete in the 'Return to Work' form

Add a Asterisk symbol on the mandatory field that must be completed in the Return to Work form or 'optional' for the question that are not.
Guest 6 months ago in Planner 0

Update sickness absence record to include 0.75 day off

Currently there is an option to note an employee off sick for 0.5 day or 0.25 day but there is no way of recording if someone has come in for a couple of hours, for example, and then gone off sick for 0.75 day equivalent. Could this please be adde...
Guest about 1 year ago in Planner 1 Added to Product Backlog