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PeopleHR Ideas Portal
Status Open for Voting
Created by Clare roberts
Created on Jun 17, 2024

Can you PLEASE introduce a delete button for Performance Reviews!!!

Given there is no test site, nor any ability to pilot creating a new Performance Review, the current system does not work where you have to create it and then test it live with someone. And if it's not right, you then can't delete it. I cannot believe the system has been created without this option.

Describe the Challenge Delete a performance review that has been set up incorrectly.
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  • Suzanne Rose
    Jun 24, 2024

    I'm not sure if I'm misunderstanding this request. But I usually create the review, test it with a colleague on their account then delete it and make any amendments in the set up before making it available for all. If you test it on your own account you will not be able to delete it, another administrator will need to delete it for you. As an admin you can delete reviews on other people's accounts though.