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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Ability for PeopleHR to generate and email users .ics files with their holiday booking to add into their primary outlook calendar

As the People HR shared internet calendar doesn’t allow for reminder notifications to be displayed of upcoming leave as the Outlook only allows that for the users primary calendar. Can I suggest when a user creates a holiday request the system can...
Guest 8 months ago in Integrations 0 Open for Voting

We would like to be able to define other events shown as a different colour on the planner

This would help staff see other events more easily.
Denise Sumner 6 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Public holiday pattern clashes when an employee is on sick

If an employee is sick during a public holiday (ie they are subscribed to a public holiday pattern) the sick report does not pull through accurately as it does not take into account the public holiday as it sees it as a non-working day. This is no...
Fran Deias 11 months ago in Queries/Reporting 1 Open for Voting

Colour used to note pending holiday requests. Idea is to use a different colour for pending holidays

At present, it is not so clear as to when a holiday is pending approval
Paul McNutt 8 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Email reminder to be sent to employees two weeks before TOIL expires

People forget when their TOIL will expire, and it's not very easy to see that quickly via the settings.
Guest 4 months ago in Admin / Planner 0 Open for Voting

Email notification of holiday request specify which clashing dates are pending and which are approved

When I get an email notification of a holiday request from 'Jane', I'd like to see who else has a pending holiday and who has confirmed holiday that are clashing with the dates that 'Jane' has requested. In addition to this, seeing a giant list of...
Soraya Asgari about 1 year ago in Admin 1 Open for Voting

When back dating contracted hours in planner - stop changing existing data in the planner!

If backdating contracted hours, the planner changes all holidays and other events booked from that date onwards to the system default of 7 hours 30 mins. If these have already been approved it shouldn't change!
Deveena Dissanayake 7 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Holiday amendments - being able to preview amendments before they are changed on the system.

We would like to be able to preview changes we make within the settings field of planner before they are made permanent. At the moment you make a change, and then save to see how it looks in the planner field and if it's not quite right, you are u...
Guest 10 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Working pattern changes only to make changes to future annual leave bookings

When changing a working pattern sometimes the system will weirdly change some of the previous annual leave entries. When the change in working pattern should only have an effect on the future annual leave. For example: Polly works 35 hrs 9-5 Mon t...
Rosie Hodson 3 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Notifications for Tasks

To send email notifications to anyone that is assigned a task. Currently there is a number in the red circle for any tasks assigned to that profile, but unless the employee logs in to PeopleHR, they won't see it. Sending a notification outside of ...
Alicia Woodward over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting