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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


Showing 1054 of 1054

Buy Sell annual leave

It would be useful to have a buy sell annual leave function
Guest 8 months ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting

Leavers - update information after employment ends

Ability to update the employee records after they have left, including the reason for leaving, to provide accurate information for reporting.
Annette Attwell over 1 year ago in Admin 2 Open for Voting

Add an option for a HR Signature to document signing

In HR, there are quite a few documents that only we are mandated to sign. Employee contracts and flexible working requests being just two of them. Nearly all of the letters we sent to staff are signed by HR and now that we have moved to esigning o...
Guest about 2 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Allowing email responses to be directed to candidate applications (Files tab on ATS)

When sending emails to candidates via their application on the ATS, it would be useful if the responses could be automatically sent back to ATS rather than to an external inbox. If there are several responses back and forth between us and the cand...
Wiktoria Geneja 6 months ago in ATS 0 Open for Voting

Employee id to be able to default as numbers not text.

The standard PW format for employee id should be able to be predetermined, and we should be able to set the numbering convention. When we switched to PHR we had to retain our payroll system where the old numbers had been generated. These had a par...
Claire Harrison about 1 year ago in Admin 1 Open for Voting

Allow query showing unopened reviews

At the moment the query only shows in progress, shared or closed. Unopened would be really helpful.
Leanne Barlow 12 days ago in Performance Management 0

Show 'company' column on 'employees' screen

We have > 12 companies under a parent company agreement. We have employees who share the same physical 'location' but are co-habiting companies (sometimes 3 or 4 companies branded in the same physical building/hub). Our HR admins are centralise...
Guest 12 days ago in Employee 0

Access Group to contact managers

We are currently suffering issues with TapIn/Out on our 2 sites, far away from Head Office. I cannot support when Access Support asked for very specific information, would be good for access to contact managers directly.
Guest 12 days ago in Admin 0

Limiting Employee Access to the Contact Section

I would like to discuss the possibility of limiting employee access to the Contact section. Most of the time, employees update their bank details or home address information, but unfortunately, the HR team does not receive a notification when thes...
Guest 12 days ago in Employee 0

Limit number of days for certain leave types

It would be good to have the option to be able to add a limit to the number of days allowed for certain leave types - such a volunteering days
SARAH SMART 23 days ago in Planner 0 Open for Voting