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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Add profile pics of employees

PeopleHR used to display employee pics in the organisation charts. However, lately it was removed. Kindly see attached. Please help to rectify this situation so that the employee pictures can be displayed again.
Guest 10 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Allow Managers to view any member that has been associated to their team including leavers but not to compromise any GDPR regs by sharing employee records unecessarily across the business

Managers who have responsibility for a team should be able to review their members records even if marked as a LEAVER. Our current situation highlights that by removing this capability following a member of staff leaving the business the manager i...
Guest over 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Remove emails and notifications for Additional Manager

Additional Managers are getting numerous email notifications of employee absence, holidays etc. Can we remove this. When the Manager is away the Additional Manager can then access the system to check and approve rather than being sent so many emai...
Julie Jones 11 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Change one of the existing available date formats

People HR currently allows the following date formats that can be set in the company settings: dd/MM/yyyy MM/dd/yyyy yyyy/MM/dd dd/MMM/yyyy In a client with multiple sites across the globe, cultural norms differ with regard to how dates are writte...
Graham Clarke 11 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

sickness line to match 'other events'

when our employees booked over time (outside of their work shift pattern) then calls in sick we are unable to record this as the system will not allow us to add a sick day on a non shift day. This is a fundamental feature for us to actually record...
Guest 11 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Logbooks - update when signature can be requested.

With logbooks, once a document is added to the logbook the option to request a signature disappears. We load 1-2-1 via logbooks and would like to request a signature, could the screen be tweaked so that the request for a signature can be made afte...
Guest 6 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

How do I prevent email notifications

I have been uploading documents requiring a signature for every employee but am now receiving a notification for every employee and every document to say if this has been signed. How do i stop this? There is nothing showing in the notifications on...
Guest 12 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Copy expense

Often a type of expense is repeated, such as travel to the same additional office every week - being able to copy an expense item would save manually rekeying every option each time
Guest 12 months ago in Employee 2 Open for Voting

If no reports to - not allow signature required by Manager on Documents

Our Directors/Business owners listed in PHR obviously dont have a 'reports to' however when adding a document for signature, the manager sign off option is available to tick. We had an incidence when the box was ticked and now the document sits in...
Dawn Boyle about 1 year ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting

Includes comments added to a holiday or other event booking in the manager approval email

Currently, if an employee adds a comment to a holiday or other event booking (ie sufficient cover in office) this does not pull through on the manager's approval email they receive. Likewise, if a manager adds a comment when they approve/decline a...
Caitlin Le Gallez 6 months ago in Employee 0 Open for Voting