Queries search to keep results after you click into a report
Currently when you do a search to filter the report list, and then click into a report, the filtered list is removed and then all reports appear on the list again when you close the report. It would be helpful to keep the filtered list as we often...
Annette Attwell
over 1 year ago
in Admin
Open for Voting
When creating a query for a Ripple, it would be really beneficial to be able to remove 'New Starters'. I am currently using a Ripple to notify our IT/H&S team of when an employee changes location or department, however, everytime we create a n...
Display Character Limits on Case Logs and ATS Question Banks
There are currently character limits on Case Logs and the ATS Question Banks but nowhere does it display this. Please could the limits be displayed, like in other areas of the system. Ideally the character limits would also be increased, especiall...
Alicia Woodward
over 1 year ago
in Admin
Open for Voting
Produce a report of all queries to show: name of the query who created the query date query created who last used the query date query last used We have a number of admins in the company and they can all create reports. This would be useful to tra...
There is currently a way to bulk update/create Other Event entitlements but there is no way to bulk delete the entitlements. We decided to delete all of our entitlements due to the same issue as explained by another user in the following idea: htt...
Patryk Zawierucha
about 1 year ago
in Admin
Open for Voting
It would be great if there was a way to stop or reverse bulk upload/actions. Currently, as soon as you click save there is no way to reverse the action.
Charlotte Tipple
about 1 year ago
in Admin
Open for Voting
We understand that you introduced a new field to stipulate cut off month for carry over days, can the option be added to leave the field blank opposed to a particular month? Ideally we do not have the option to undo what we updated, which does not...