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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Allow 'Email Inbox' feature to be used for leavers

The Email Inbox feature is incredibly useful to quickly upload emails to employee documents and I use it all the time. However where it falls short is not allowing us to send emails as documents when the employee has left. The employee is still th...
Holly Reid 5 months ago in Admin 0

Remove length of service from Org Charts as it is sensitive data violating GDPR rules

Currently organisational charts disclose information regarding employee's length of service. This data may relate to employee tenure, position, benefits, or salary within the organisation. It pertains to an individual's employment history, and rev...
Guest over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

More options for the reference list and to be able to send to personal email in Ripple

It would be useful to add more tags to the reference list to be able to use them in Ripple. For example, Employee's personal email address to be able to use for Ripple purposes - for example, when sending a new starter confirmation email Method of...
Emma Wawman 7 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Allow automatic task alerts to be sent to employee or reassigned

At present automatic alerts for items like driving licence/background checks/MOT expiry etc., can be sent to admin, the manager or both. It would be useful to be able to also choose to send these to the employee so that managers and/or admins do n...
R D over 1 year ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Documents screen - be able to view documents signed

The new upgrade has taken away the quick viewing of seeing if documents are signed - even on the grouped screen. There is plenty of space to show this without having to go into each document. Please add this quick viewing facility.
Claudia Collings 7 months ago in Admin 0

Create a SuperAdmin Function

We are looking to create a "SuperAdmin" function where we can limit the access of the HR team. We need the all members of the team to have admin access but limit their access of fellow HR team members or Managing Director profiles. This would be a...
Guest about 1 year ago in Admin 1 Open for Voting

All Task - allow sort by assigned to

For those who have admin access, it is useful to see which of our staff have tasks assigned to them, how many tasks they have outstanding, what the tasks are, who they relate to, etc.
Guest 11 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Tasks should automatically update

Each time a Ripple sends a reminder to do something, it should automatically update the system without the person also having to then go into Tasks and mark as completed.
Leanne Barlow 7 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Bank details input verification

We are getting people input their bank details incorrectly - is there a way the system can indicate if the right amount of numbers have been inputted (and not allow letters/ other characters) to verify it is a sort code/ account number? We also th...
Guest over 1 year ago in Admin 1 Closed - Not right now

Add public holidays in multiples of 1 day

I have to add public holidays across the globe each year. Some countries (China & Hong Kong) have public holidays that last up to 8 days but I can only add them as single days. It's a really pain adding them in at the start of every year. Coul...
Guest about 2 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting