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PeopleHR Ideas Portal


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Make TOIL easier to log

Finding where to log an employee's TOIL is difficult. Currently its in the 'settings' tab when it isnt a setting. Make it more obvious for the line manager to log accrued days and make a way for the employee to request TOIL to be added for them.
Natasha Whitehead about 1 month ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

HR Amin button

The HR Admin button should only be visible to Admins in the system and not to anyone else who does not have Admin rights.
Guest 11 months ago in Admin 0 Added to Product Backlog

Work Pattern Settings page to default to 'Active' only

When viewing the work patterns settings page, it would be helpful for this to default to only showing those work patterns which are 'active'. The 'quick filter' suggests this is already the case but you are required to click to a different filter ...
Lee Cotton 7 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Add an option for a HR Signature to document signing

In HR, there are quite a few documents that only we are mandated to sign. Employee contracts and flexible working requests being just two of them. Nearly all of the letters we sent to staff are signed by HR and now that we have moved to esigning o...
Guest about 2 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Leavers - update information after employment ends

Ability to update the employee records after they have left, including the reason for leaving, to provide accurate information for reporting.
Annette Attwell over 1 year ago in Admin 2 Open for Voting

Employee id to be able to default as numbers not text.

The standard PW format for employee id should be able to be predetermined, and we should be able to set the numbering convention. When we switched to PHR we had to retain our payroll system where the old numbers had been generated. These had a par...
Claire Harrison about 1 year ago in Admin 1 Open for Voting

please make the leave adjustable in the leaver wizard

This needs to be adjustable in the leaver wizard because often leave is already adjusted for a fixed-term employer or someone known to be leaving before the end of the year. Then when you mark them as a leaver closer to the time, it takes the redu...
Abigail Bowley 6 months ago in Admin 0 Open for Voting

Improve ability to brand documents & Emails

I need the document creator to create professional documents easilly so that it maintains my employe brand.
Guest over 1 year ago in Admin / Employee 2 Added to Product Backlog

Accurate Annual Leave calculations for Fixed term contract Leavers

Currently, employees on fixed term contracts have their annual leave calculated until the end of the year, like all employees. We have to manually change this by calculating their AL to their end date. If not, they would believe they have more AL ...
Natalie Nelson over 1 year ago in Admin 2 Added to Product Backlog

Blind recruitment

I'd like the ability to hire without hiring managers seeing information about the applicant such as their name, sex, gender, education location, address …
Guest over 1 year ago in Admin / ATS 4 Open for Voting